Deliberate mistake: O'Niel needs a sample of a dead man's blood to test for toxic drugs. So he visits the corpse, which has been dead for quite some time and is lying on its back, and proceeds to insert a hypodermic syringe into the dead man's frontal neck, extracting the sample. But blood pools low in the body soon after death. There ought to have been no blood available from that location of the body. To get blood, O'Niel should've punctured the corpse's underside.

Deliberate mistake: The shot of Ardeth and his companions watching Rick leave Hamunuptra at the start of the film is reused again when Rick, Evie, Jonathan and the Warden re-enter Hamunuptra, although the reused shot has a blue filter over it. Ardeth even says exactly the same line he says in the original shot, but it is subtitled differently.

Deliberate mistake: When Leota is in the front seat of the automobile, the air bag is still full. Air bags will deploy and then immediately deflate to prevent people (or women in crystal balls) from being trapped. (01:10:45)

Deliberate mistake: When Beck and Travis dive off the road and roll down hill, their stunt doubles are quite noticeable in many of the shots down the hill. (00:26:35)

Deliberate mistake: When Barbara Wilson/Batgirl first arrives she is standing on a ledge beside the front door when Robin answers the door. She then exclaims, "Oh. Uncle Alfred." However she could not possibly have seen him, not just because of her angle, but also the fact it is after that statement that he first comes into view. (00:34:10)

Deliberate mistake: When Jamie Lee is picked up hitch hiking, the view out the front windshield, while pulling over to pick her up, is identical when they pull over moments later after all the windows are shattering.

Deliberate mistake: There is blood all over the back of the couch that's supposed to be from the neck cutting, however there is not a trace of blood on May's dress or anywhere else but her hands. (01:13:30)

Deliberate mistake: Morse code takes a lot longer to type out than the captain of the Dallas seems to need. Likely "compressed" because otherwise the process would be quite dull, but still.

Deliberate mistake: When Adam kills himself and Hector at the end, the explosion sends a lot of water and parts of Hector into the air. But there is no sign of Adam's blood, body parts or clothing, despite the fact that the bomb was strapped to him. (01:16:10)

Deliberate mistake: When Harrison Ford and Mary Lynn Rajskub are crossing the tracks, its Rajskub who's driving the car, not Ford. This is because the filmmakers originally had Rajskub driving the entire way. They later refilmed the drive with Ford driving, but kept the shot of them crossing the tracks the same. Ford and director Richard Loncraine confirm this on the special features of the DVD.

Deliberate mistake: Some of the text in this movie is in English, but some is in Japanese. Most noticeable when Tai writes the letter to Sora.

Deliberate mistake: When Selene and Michael are driving a truck, chased by Marcus, at one point in the chase Marcus flies directly ahead of the truck and stays upright in the air with wings outstretched, facing the truck. Given that the truck is travelling at high speed and Marcus is using wings for flying, it is just not possible. It can't be attributed to Marcus' inertia - he stays in front of the truck for a couple of seconds, long enough to lose any speed advantage he had before.

Deliberate mistake: There is no way Ichi's blade could have cut the one man vertically in half, as shown in the movie. The blade is only a couple of inches long, not nearly enough to slice through the man. When we see the blade shooting through the back of him, it is obviously a different, longer blade.

Deliberate mistake: During the chase scene the boats pass under several bridges - most of them sporting crowds of onlookers. The film crew didn't bother to move them before shooting began.

Deliberate mistake: Just before Donald has a fight with Jack at the end of the film, we see Donald jogging down a flight of stairs to escape the building. Then after a bit of a punch up with Jack, we see Donald running back up the same staircase to escape Jack, but when he reaches the top it turns into a dead end. There is nowhere that Donald could have came from when we see him coming down the stairs. (01:19:35 - 01:20:35)

Deliberate mistake: In chapter 15 "Bad Service" as Kim drives away and almost hits the kids which are supposed to represent the "Burkittsville 7", count them. There are three girls and four boys. Rustin Parr kidnapped 8 kids; 4 boys and 4 girls. Kyle Brody survived so the Burkittsville 7 should be 4 girls and 3 boys.

Deliberate mistake: After pulling the e-brake in his car (Mustang) and turning completely around during a chase scene, "Driver's" vehicle continues to shift gears as he drives in reverse at high speeds.

Deliberate mistake: During the space battle, one of Drax's men gets his back pack blasted. (1:46:37) His entire pack explodes so that his jet pack and life support are destroyed. But as a result of that blast, all the parts from his suit FALL DOWN! Even though there's no gravity.

Deliberate mistake: It's Christmas in Denver and there is snow on the ground. However, there still are quite a fair amount of leaves on the trees in various shots.

Deliberate mistake: On the map showing the location of all the 'Camel Hump' refuelling blimps, none of them are anywhere near the countries EDI visits in the film - the nearest one is more than a thousand miles away over the Pacific.