Deliberate mistake: In the parking lot at the horse track, the old cars are so huge, they don't fit properly in the tiny modern spaces. They are hanging over the backs of the spaces so badly that the drivers would only have about two feet to try and get their enormous cars out of the spaces.

Deliberate mistake: Bare shoulders are forbidden in the Vatican premises, so the sexy dresses in the party would not be allowed.

Deliberate mistake: There are a number of things wrong with the roller coaster scene (besides the obvious impossibility of a crash like this actually occurring): 1) The restraints use ratchets to lock, not hydraulics. A coaster of this type wouldn't even have any hydraulic lines. 2) The attendants didn't check all the restraints. This is ALWAYS necessary, on ANY ride. 3) On any roller coaster, the Dispatch button (or "Start" in the movie) must be held down until the train is clear of the station. This is a safety feature to make sure the attendants are clear of the moving train. If the button is released before the train is clear of the station, it will stop. 4) At the bottom of the lift, the lift chain curves to follow the track into the station. This is impossible, a lift chain cannot curve horizontally, only vertically (normally at the top of the hill).

Deliberate mistake: In many of the non-CG generated snake shots, what appears to be a very venomous coral snake is in fact either a scarlet king snake or a California mountain king snake (depending on the shot). These are much safer, non-venomous alternatives for filming with the actors. Look for the ordering of the colored bands (red/black=venom lack, red/yellow=kill a fellow).

Deliberate mistake: On the roof of the sunken building, Bond tries CPR on Vesper, then quits when he realizes that she is dead and sits away from her body. Watch her right leg carefully when he returns to her body and cradles her in his arms - she flexes it upwards at the knee. Yes, I know that electrical impulses in a dead body can cause muscle movements, but this was obviously the actress involuntarily bracing herself from slipping on the slanted surface. Cut to Mr. White walking away with the money and when the camera returns to the roof, Vesper's leg is lying flat again. (02:18:00)

Deliberate mistake: There is a huge security breach in the scene with Robin Williams and Christopher Walkin walking at night. The Security SUV limousine is more than 30 metres away from them. It should be pacing them in case of an emergency and be right next to them on the sidewalk. It appears the reason it is so far back is because at the camera angle the scene is shot at, it makes for a good background element which you would not see if the Secret Service followed protocol.

Deliberate mistake: After Doug finds where Minuti was killed and set on fire, he walks over to a dock where he sees Minuti's arm being eaten by alligators. Minuti had been dumped in the water 4 days prior, yet his hand is perfectly intact with no signs of burning, bite marks or weather/water damage of any kind.

Deliberate mistake: When Harrison Ford and Mary Lynn Rajskub are crossing the tracks, its Rajskub who's driving the car, not Ford. This is because the filmmakers originally had Rajskub driving the entire way. They later refilmed the drive with Ford driving, but kept the shot of them crossing the tracks the same. Ford and director Richard Loncraine confirm this on the special features of the DVD.

Deliberate mistake: When Selene and Michael are driving a truck, chased by Marcus, at one point in the chase Marcus flies directly ahead of the truck and stays upright in the air with wings outstretched, facing the truck. Given that the truck is travelling at high speed and Marcus is using wings for flying, it is just not possible. It can't be attributed to Marcus' inertia - he stays in front of the truck for a couple of seconds, long enough to lose any speed advantage he had before.

Deliberate mistake: In Saw III we learn that Amanda was the person who abducted Adam from his apartment. However, if you watch his abduction in the first Saw film, you'll see that the person attacking him has the hands of a middle aged man.

Deliberate mistake: When the armored car hit's the police car the police car flies up in an explosion. Due to the size, style, and weight of the armored car, the police car should've been run over and crushed. (01:02:05)

Deliberate mistake: In all the shoot-outs, the bullets that hit the cars spark, which bullets do not do, and leave no hole, dent, or even a small scratch. They do, however, break the glass.
Suggested correction: This isn't correct. In the big shootout towards the end, gunshots leave holes in car doors and break car windows from both sides of the fight.

Deliberate mistake: When Jenny writes "dick" on Matt's forehead, she does not stop the beam but the word is written with the letters separated.