Revealing mistake: The tapered half of the baseball bat was leaning against the coffee table at about a 60° angle, but after Dave said, "The bat?" the camera showed it sticking straight up from (perpendicular to) the floor. Dave's lower body is then shown walking past the bat (which reaches to his waist) and stopping, at which point the bat fades into his leg until it is almost invisible. The next view of the bat shows it leaning against the coffee table again, but the coffee table is closer to the couch. (00:09:08)

Revealing mistake: When the speaker during the first game played says "This game might have had a different outcome", everyone in the crowd looks at a different spot, but the small kids agree on just looking straight into the movie camera. (00:01:25)

Revealing mistake: The position of the lamp (upright or tilted) to the left of the screen varies, and the way the light is cast on the wall above and below the lampshade is not realistic. For example, when the upper part of the lampshade is angled away from the headboard, the light projects below the lampshade shorter toward the left of the screen, not elongated. (00:01:00 - 00:03:00)

Revealing mistake: When the tiles pop off the wall near the beginning, each pops off right in the middle. The nozzles squirting out the water are obvious.

Revealing mistake: During the Unsolved Mysteries scene, a man is about to play solitaire. Look at the screen, though. It's already dragging cards around.

Revealing mistake: When Kathy Ireland is trying out, watch one shot from the side and you can tell by body type it's a guy in a wig kicking the ball.

Revealing mistake: In the opening montage, the article "Rucker Park today - The streetball Mecca" is also the rightmost column of the entirely diff different publication that comes in the following shot. (00:02:25)

Revealing mistake: When Velvet and Mi are talking to the jockey in the pub, there is a blackboard behind him listing the menu. However, all the writing is backwards. The film negative apparently got flipped, in this print at least, resulting in a reversed image. This is the only scene where reversed lettering is seen.

Revealing mistake: When Terrible Tommy has Rosa in an airplane spin her hair suddenly gets thicker and her legs get thicker, indicating this is Rosa's stunt double.

Revealing mistake: During the fight montage, the winner of the first match wins by kicking his opponent in the face. His foot never makes contact.