Obi-Wan Kenobi: Oh, I have a bad feeling about this!

Stan Podalak: Let me help! Let me help! I can help! I can help!
Michael Jordan: What can you do?
Stan Podalak: Well, I may not be very tall, but... I'm slow.
Sylvester: And large.
Daffy Duck: And a dork.

Detective Spooner: Somehow, 'I told you so' just doesn't quite say it.

Owen Grady: Nervous flyer?
Franklin Webb: Would you ride a-a thousand pound horse that's been abused all its life?
Owen Grady: I rode my motorcycle through the jungle with a pack of raptors.
Franklin Webb: We're not compatible. (00:21:50)

Freddy Freeman: If you could have one superpower, what would you pick? Everybody chooses flight. You know why?
Billy Batson: So they can fly away from this conversation?

Vice President Becker: I don't accept that abandoning half of the country is necessary!
Tom Gomez: Maybe if you'd listened to him sooner, it wouldn't be.
Vice President Becker: Bullshit! It's easy for him to suggest this plan. He's safely here in Washington.
Tom Gomez: His son is in Manhattan. I just thought you should know that before you start questioning his motives.

Castor Troy: You'll be seeing a lot of changes around here. Papa's got a brand new bag.

John Connor: We've got company.
Miles Dyson: Police?
Sarah Connor: How many?
John Connor: Uh, all of them, I think.

Jack Bruno: Don't go in the pimped out fridge Jack.

Abraham Lincoln: Fourscore and...[looks at his pocket watch]...seven minutes ago... We, your forefathers, were brought forth upon a most excellent adventure conceived by our new friends, Bill...and Ted. These two great gentlemen are dedicated to a proposition which was true in my time, just as it's true today. Be excellent to each other. And... Party on, dudes!

Jackson Curtis: When they tell you not to panic... That's when you run!

The Man: I told the boy when you dream about bad things happening, it means you're still fighting and you're still alive. It's when you start to dream about good things that you should start to worry.

David Rice: Who are these people?
Griffin: Paladins. Paladins kill jumpers. I kill paladins. Class dismissed.