Tony Stark: My old man had a philosophy: Peace means having a bigger stick than the other guy.
Christine Everheart: That's a great line coming from the guy selling the sticks.

David Rice: Who are these people?
Griffin: Paladins. Paladins kill jumpers. I kill paladins. Class dismissed.

Uncle Albert: With great power comes...
Rick Riker: Great responsibility?
Uncle Albert: Actually, I was gonna say bitches.

Toorop: Look lady, I'm just a delivery boy and to me you're just a package. I'm not your friend, I'm not your brother, I'm not your boyfriend. In six days I'm gonna deliver you and never see you again. Sister Rebecca is right, we shouldn't even talk.

[Seeing Beth's building badly damaged, leaning against another tower.]
Hud: Please tell me she lives on the ground floor.
Rob Hawkins: 37th.
Hud: Shit.

Hennessey: Okay cocksucker. Fuck with me, and we'll see who shits on the sidewalk.

Rex: Who's the youngling?
Ahsoka: I'm Master Skywalker's Padawan. The name's Ahsoka Tano.
Rex: Sir, I thought you said you'd never have a Padawan.
Anakin: There's been a mix-up. The youngling isn't with me.
Ahsoka: Stop calling me that! You're stuck with me, Skyguy.
[Rex starts chuckling.]
Anakin: What did you just call me?! Don't get snippy with me, little one! You know, I don't think you're even old enough to be a Padawan.
Ahsoka: Well, maybe I'm not. But Master Yoda thinks I am.
Anakin: Well, you're not with Master Yoda now. So if you're ready, you better start proving it. Captain Rex will show you how a little respect can go along the way.
Rex: Er ... Right. Come along, youngling.
Ahsoka: [through gritted teeth.] Padawan.

Klaatu: If the Earth dies, you die. If the human race dies, the Earth survives.

Freya: If you truly believe that you write the tale of your life, then the end is up to you.

Cultist: Hey, Bat, when you're flying, what the city look like from up on high?
Batman: It looks dirty.

Titanius Anglesmith: Prepare for a surprise attack.

Bender: Don't hurt me! I'll betray anyone.