Character mistake: During the movie's opening credits, Sara is shown auditioning for Juilliard, which is misspelled as "Julliard" on a sign outside the room where the audition is occurring.

Character mistake: When Aubrey is telling the Bellas that they will practice two hours a day, seven days a week, the board behind her states that on Sundays they have the day off. (00:35:05)
Suggested correction: Maybe she changed her mind.

Character mistake: When Ahmet is describing his idea for the song "The Mess Around" to Ray, he tells Ray the song is in G (major). However, Ray immediately plays the song in E flat major.

Character mistake: During the end credits, three of the magazine covers spell Whoopi's character's name as "Delores." Two of the covers spell it "Deloris," as do the credits.

Character mistake: The Rufus hologram states that he first brought the phone booth to the Chosen Ones (Bill and Ted) in 1989, referencing events of the original film. While that was the year the first movie came out, it took place in 1988 (indicated by the opening title card and dialogue throughout the movie).

Character mistake: On the handwritten label Bond finds, Bratislava is written Bratislavia.

Character mistake: When Tom is talking to Riff on the phone, he mentions that he is listening to the Ramones's latest album. However, the song playing as he says this is "I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend," which is from the Ramones's first album.

Character mistake: In the scene before the New Haven concert, when Jim is talking with the reporter/ love interest about his school history, she comments that Jim attended the University of Florida. In actuality, Jim attended Florida State University.

Character mistake: After the math club students, in unison, cited pi to 3.141592, Percy continued with "65839" - but only the "65" are correct. He should have said "65358..." before being cut off (or "65359" if he was rounding up the last "89793238"). Even though the movie is classified as a comedy, Percy was showing off, but he was wrong. Charlie, Math Club Advisor, also committed a mistake because he stopped Percy by saying "Percy, we got it. Good" (as though Percy was correct). (00:04:29)

Character mistake: Jimmy is at work, feeling sick in the toilet. Two other employees are talking at the sinks. The man on the left is called Phil by his colleague at the beginning of the scene, but at the end of the scene, he calls him Simon.

Character mistake: While listening to the fixed record at the antique music instrument shop, Chris talks about 1800 instead of 1900. (00:30:45)

Character mistake: Whitney Houston's character, Rachel, is arriving at the Oscars and waves at the fans outside. A fan is holding a sign and it spells her name as "Rachael". When Rachel wins her award, her name on the TV is spelled "Rachel". (01:40:35)

Character mistake: The bulletin of the plane crash announces J.P. Richardson (The Big Bopper) as from Louisiana. Richardson was born in Sabine Pass, Texas and later moved to Beaumont, Texas where he lived for the rest of his life.

Character mistake: In the scene in David's office, David tells Jessie that Marius is as "close as we have come to the original vampire" then gives her Lestat's diary which states that the original vampires are Akasha and Enkil.

Character mistake: When Barry and Rob are in the record store discussing Evil Dead 2, Barry makes a comment about someone offscreen making shotgun ammo in the 14th century. That plot point refers to "Army of Darkness" (the third installment the Evil Dead series), rather than Evil Dead 2.

Character mistake: In the "Casey At The Bat" sequence, the narrator says "The score is 4 to 2 with but an inning left to play." However, the scoreboard shows that eight and a half innings have been played, and only a half-inning remains.

Character mistake: Gail reads right through Katie's poor excuse about crotcheting, and says she won't go to the ball "after what you pulled today with Guy." She did not do it (well she didn't do anything, but 'supposedly did') today, but yesterday. (00:31:00)

Character mistake: When the camera pans to the frame containing the picture of Lars with his departed mother, the caption says "In memory of our beloved mother Mirra Gunnarsdottir", with a plain O. On the cross, her name is Mirra Gunnarsdóttir. It's two different letters, and it'd be pretty strange to honor the memory of your mother printing a photo with her name in the wrong form. (00:01:10)

Character mistake: Mr. Phillips told Michael (Danny) that he'd like him to apply for "early admission" to Julliard. Michael was a 17-year-old high school senior and had not yet auditioned for Julliard - the audition is to occur when a student his age is "entering 12th grade in the Fall of the academic year for which he is applying." It was too late to submit an application and an "early admission" was not possible at this point. (01:08:42)

Character mistake: When Elwood tells his boss he is going to quit, his boss tells him he will call payroll and have them get his severance pay ready. While employees who resign do have final pay prepared (pro-rated pay, vacation pay, time owed in lieu, etc.) it would never be classified as "severance pay" if the employee resigned on their own accord. Severance pay is classified for employees who are terminated without cause, meaning no fault of their own. (00:43:10)
Suggested correction: This isn't entirely accurate, only what is most common. First, severance pay is not required by law, nor is paying for accrued PTO, so it's at the discretion of employers who can offer it to whomever they wish. An employer may offer a severance package for termination (with or without cause), retirement, or resignation. Often a severance package comes with certain conditions, such as the employee won't seek unemployment or work for a competitor, or may simply be money paid for PTOs.
Suggested correction: This never happened in the movie, Elwood didn't have a job.