Revealing mistake: After the jailbreak, a number of reaction shots for which the shot background is the villagers in the speeding wagon, not only do they not "bounce" with the wagon, they are not even animated.

Revealing mistake: When the king's youngest daughter mounts the Polar Bear King the lack of effort reveals that she does this with the help of a cunningly placed stepladder. (00:25:35)

Revealing mistake: After Miley lets a truckload of walnuts roll down the street, the British reporter is having a hard time keeping his balance. At one point, both feet just barely touch the ground and it is quite obvious that he was suspended on a cable during filming.

Revealing mistake: When they are playing N64 look at the system, there is no game in it.

Revealing mistake: In the mansion where the two flunkies are chasing the puppies that are to be skinned, one of them flies off the roof, through the stone battlements and crashes into a frozen pond. You can clearly see the stonework landing around him in the pond and bouncing/floating.

Revealing mistake: After Pollyanna's paralyzing accident, just as Dr. Chilton turns down Pollyanna's blanket she moves her knees up, before he even sits her up. (02:09:35)

Revealing mistake: When Laura tears the piece of paper with the LAX clue on it, you can see the paper crease so she will have a straight tear.

Revealing mistake: During the scene when Angie and Sykes are watching Oscar beating up Lenny you can see one shot of Angie's tail go through the desk.

Revealing mistake: A wire can briefly be seen on MAC, as he does the flips in the air, in McDonalds, in the teddy suit. (01:02:55)

Revealing mistake: One of the reindeer's "power-up" lights turns on before its name is called.

Revealing mistake: You can see Buddy and Finch's stunt doubles in the ice skating scene. And when they are showing a close up of them you can tell that they are not really ice skating, but just doing the ice skating movement.

Revealing mistake: In the scene where Mufasa and Simba are at the very top of Pride Rock and Mufasa is explaining the kingdom to Simba, one of the hand written sequence markers on the gel print is not removed. In the shot that zooms in on Simba just after the camera pans around them, there are two frames where the number 45 appear just to the left of Simba's tail. (00:09:15)

Revealing mistake: The film contains a few animation glitches which usually only last a frame or two. These could have been fixed during the film's digital restoration, but were left in, presumably because the restorers didn't want to alter a single detail of the original animation. A prime example occurs when Snow White is leading the animals to the Dwarfs' cottage. As she approaches the door, a fawn steps in front of her, and its head completely disappears for one frame.

Revealing mistake: In the shot right before Coraline finds the hidden door for the first time, she says "Alright Little Me, where are you hiding?" and drops her notebook and pen on the floor. When the notebook and pen are falling, you can see the wires that were used to suspend them while they were being animated. It's a common stop motion technique, but these days they usually try to paint the wires out afterward. It's a pretty severe dutch angle though, and they're only visible for a few frames, so it's easy to miss. (01:27:55)

Revealing mistake: You can see the wires on the handgun pointed at the two extraterrestrial children when the bad guys are staring in shock at the "floating gun."

Revealing mistake: Junior can't get on the Crazy Dance because he is a milimeter too short. After seeing Murph (the 20-year old in his class) and Trixie (on heels) get on it, Junior speeds up the ride and all the kids on it get dizzy and barf everywhere. If you look where the puke shoots out, it's a bit obvious it's not coming from their mouths, but from a point behind them. Most obvious are Trixie and the boy wearing glasses.

Revealing mistake: In the final battle scene Morgan grabs a rope and swings from one ship to the other. She grabs the rope over her head and keeps the rest of the rope in front of her. The rope remains taut all the way to her waist. If she were really holding herself onto the rope, it would be dangle loosely below her hand. The tautness of the rope reveals the safety equipment used in the shot.

Revealing mistake: Throughout the movie the rescue helicopter changes. The paint job remains the same but they're two entirely different choppers. This can be most easily seen by the flat single-pane windshield of one and the round wrap-around windshield of the other.

Revealing mistake: In the climax scene, Joe is climbing up the Ferris Wheel. He is huge, and weighs a ton, but his strong hands do not break a single lightbulb on the framework of the wheel.

Revealing mistake: Near the end, right when "little wonders" starts, Lewis takes a moment to look at his future family, Lucille, Frannie, etc. When there's a closeup on Lewis, his memory scanner reveals a reflection of no one in the gym, except for Lewis, even though people are supposed to be standing in front of him.