Trivia: All of the creatures in baby Rapunzel's mobile are referenced later in the movie. The blue bird is the first creature she encounters after leaving the tower (it flies around her head when she sings "completely free"). There is also a white horse (Maximus), a chameleon (Pascal), a yellow duck (The Snuggly Duckling), and a cherub (the old man who dresses like an angel in "I've got a Dream").

Trivia: Pinocchio is sitting in the rafters above Flynn Ryder during the "I've Got a Dream" scene.
Trivia: Three books scattered in the bedroom signify Disney animated movies: Sleeping Beauty, Beauty and the Beast and The Little Mermaid.
Trivia: The one with the eye patch of the Stabbington Brothers, (the ones who wanted to have revenge on Flynn) only says one line in the whole movie: "Play it safe, or go get the crown?"
Suggested correction: No, the other brother said that, the one without the eye patch. The other brother doesn't talk and just makes sounds the whole time.
Trivia: When the tree breaks over the rock that Flynn and Maximus are on you can hear Flynn yell out Goofy's famous scream.
Trivia: Mother Gothel is only referred to by name in the opening of the film. After that, her name is never mentioned again.