Trivia: When Scuttle discovers that Vanessa is actually Ursula, he sees Vanessa's true image reflected in the mirror, but the image we see in the mirror is not reversed, note Ursula's mole and her shell necklace are not backwards. This may be construed as part of Ursula's magic, or it's simply an animation error, which is common (I believe it's the latter). (01:06:40)
Trivia: The two minute storm took 10 special effects artists over a year to finish.

Trivia: When King Triton enters the concert hall and passes over the audience, you can see Mickey Mouse, Goofy and Donald Duck sitting among the audience. (00:03:33)
Trivia: Glut the shark was going to appear a second time in the film and Flounder was going to have his time to shine and was going to beat him in a fight of some kind but was cut due to various reasons.
Trivia: The studio first considered making The Little Mermaid in the late 1930s, and illustrator Kay Nielsen prepared story sketches in pastels and watercolors. Her work was studied by the film's modern-day animators, and Nielsen received a "visual development" credit on the film.
Trivia: When Flounder spills the beans about the shark and going to the surface, when he starts talking about the shark for about two or three frames he resembles a shark and then when he starts talking about Scuttle his face resembles Scuttle for about two or three frames.
Trivia: This movie was the last Disney movie to use cell animation and Xerox to create the characters, scenery etc.
Trivia: In the song "Poor Unfortunate Souls" during the line "and she who holds her tongue will get a man", we see Ursula throw an actual tongue into the cauldron. This might be a reference to the original story by Hans Christian Anderson where instead of the sea witch taking the mermaid's voice, she took her tongue instead.
Answer: Their names are Aquata, Andrina, Arista, Atina, Adella, and Allana.