Best crime movie stupidity of all time

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November Criminals picture

Stupidity: Addison got out of his car to drop his college application into a USPS curbside mailbox. A curbside mailbox is designed to be conveniently accessible from a vehicle (provided the vehicle is pulled up close enough to the curb). (00:02:50)


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Naked Singularity picture

Stupidity: After Casi changed the tracker on the Navigator, he was sneaking between vehicles to get out of the tow pound. The Whale came and stood in front of the two vehicles Casi was between. Casi stood up and, instead of turning around and running away, rushed TOWARD The Whale in an attempt to get past him. The Whale, much bigger, threw Casi against a vehicle and then onto the garage floor. (01:03:34).


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Firewall picture

Stupidity: There is a scene in which the phone rings back at the house and Andy goes to answer it. None of the henchman respond immediately, but instead WAIT for him to almost answer the phone before becoming making a move. You would think they would yell at him to not answer it or have one of them rush to guard the phone the moment it rings. Obviously the entire scene was done this way for the sole purpose of suspense.


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Auto Focus picture

Stupidity: In the scene in the KNX broadcast studio, the engineer gets Bob Crane's attention by banging on the control room glass. An engineer would more likely speak to the DJ by flipping a talk switch and speaking into a mic, and the DJ would hear him in his headphones.

More Auto Focus stupidity
Boon picture

Stupidity: Catherine, wearing a dress and coat, was outside in the snow chopping firewood while her teenaged son sat nearby playing video games on his tablet. This could also fall under "plot hole" because having the son close by made him available to try to help his mom when Pryce attacked her (with the intent to rape). (00:36:40 - 00:37:15)


More Boon stupidity
Between Love and Hate picture

Stupidity: When Vivian sees Matt coming towards her at the country club she should've run unless she wanted to gamble with her life.


More Between Love and Hate stupidity
The Ritual Killer picture

Stupidity: The ending has a bit of a twist; apparently, octogenarian college professor Morgan Freeman somehow chased down and murdered offscreen 6'3" professional assassin Vernon Davis. That's not the toughest part to swallow, though; he also sent the two detectives (one of whom he is not even supposed to know of) via UPS 2-day delivery mail some body parts of his victim. We don't know which part Lavazzi gets (genitalia were mentioned earlier), but Boyd gets the eyes and decides to eat them. For starters, unrefrigerated 2-3 day old eyes would never look as pristine as the ones Boyd gets. Also, Morgan Freeman mentioned earlier in the movie that for the power of Muti to be effective, the body parts need to be taken from a victim that is alive, screaming, and eaten only mixed with herbs and other catalysts. So what the detective does doesn't make sense even in the movie lore.


More The Ritual Killer stupidity
Pacific Heights picture

Stupidity: When Drake cuts off power to Hayes' apartment, the cops can't physically make a landlord abide by the laws, and seeing a judge would take months. In the meantime, by keeping the power off in the apartment, Hayes would have had no choice but to abandon his scheme and move on to another victim. With no power in the apartment, it's unusable and unlivable.

More Pacific Heights stupidity
The Silencing picture

Stupidity: Molly was being hunted and didn't know if she could trust Rayburn when he encountered her. Rayburn told Molly that he wanted to help, wouldn't hurt her, put a blanket around her, and even carried her in the woods for some distance. When he put her on the ground (along with his backpack and rifle) to go find the rope to open the pitfall doors and had his back turned, Molly got out from under the blanket and hid nearby. Rayburn quickly found Molly, and Molly made a lame attempt at attacking him with some kind of club. The next day when Rayburn and Molly were in Rayburn's house and her hunter showed up and attacked Rayburn, Molly grabbed Rayburn's rifle and fired several shots at the hunter. Molly obviously knew how to use a rifle, so it was asinine for her to have hidden from Rayburn the previously night without taking his rifle (or the blanket). (00:36:22)


More The Silencing stupidity
The Book of Henry picture

Stupidity: Henry's plan was supposed to be perfectly timed, allowing his mother 45 minutes. It doesn't make sense to waste time - and increase the chances of being spotted - by having her go home to pick up the rifle when she could have simply kept it in her vehicle's trunk.


More The Book of Henry stupidity
Payback picture

Stupidity: Kind of dumb for the bad guys to leave Porter in the car trunk with nobody there to watch and make sure he doesn't try to escape.


More Payback stupidity
XXX: State of the Union picture

Stupidity: The highly trained commandos who knew everything about the NSA base and penetrated it during a perfectly planned operation through weapons and devices that pierce steel like butter, decided to stand outside the barn (so they knew something valuable was there) and its wooden door. It even has a direct line to the command center.


More XXX: State of the Union stupidity
Domestic Disturbance picture

Stupidity: Rick tries to kill Frank at his boathouse by dumping gasoline all over the place and using Ray Coleman's lighter that Frank had. At this point, Rick has gasoline over his arm, but instead of properly cleaning it, he opens the lighter immediately and has his arm burned. Surely a criminal genius like Rick wouldn't have risked this as this is a loose end. Further mention goes to when he has the bathroom door open for no reason while medicating the burn mark, which enables his wife to see him and discover who he really is.

More Domestic Disturbance stupidity
Sherlock Holmes and the Voice of Terror picture

Stupidity: Sherlock Holmes, a "simple" detective, knows the whole story of an English officer and that of a Nazi secret agent and their great physical resemblance, but Barham's colleagues in British Intelligence do not know any of these facts and are surprised when Holmes tells them all the details.

Big Game

More Sherlock Holmes and the Voice of Terror stupidity
Death on the Nile picture

Stupidity: In the original novel, the attempt on Mrs. Doyle at the temples was made rolling a boulder off a cliff. In this adaptation, the culprit is said to 'dislodge' a large stone from the temple; you can however see that the stone is already dislodged and sticks out from its place on the pillar, and he had no way to know that the Doyles would be in that particular spot, making this attempt to Linnet's life rather nonsensical (requiring also herculean strength, no pun intended). (00:47:40 - 01:39:30)


More Death on the Nile stupidity
Appointment With Death picture

Stupidity: Poirot addresses the person in the shadow outside the hotel as "dear sir or madam", which would make sense given the clothes, but makes no sense with the fact that voice is definitely a male voice, there's no mystery at all there. (01:11:50)


More Appointment With Death stupidity
The Town That Dreaded Sundown picture

Stupidity: Why they let the high school hold their prom during the height of the Phantom's reign of terror is never explained.


More The Town That Dreaded Sundown stupidity
The Equalizer picture

Stupidity: When he's using carbon monoxide to poison the corrupt detective Frank Masters, the windows in the car were operated by the key fob. Unusual, but OK. Maybe. But the detective could've simply opened the doors after McCaul left him in there. The door worked when he was forced into the car. (01:24:30)


More The Equalizer stupidity
Murder at 1600 picture

Stupidity: Anyone with a job in the White House would have to be known to the Secret Service on a daily basis, so the two Secret Service agents that find Cory the janitor should have been aware of his identity without him having to state who he was and that he worked there.

More Murder at 1600 stupidity
Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles picture

Stupidity: It seems dumb that Mr. Freeze takes part in the Arkham plot given he said when Shredder and Ra's walked through he wanted no part of anything, but when Joker frees everyone he joins in.


More Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles stupidity

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