Stupidity: The Mentor told the Virtuoso that the murder of the CEO needed to look like an accident. It was acknowledged that 48 hours to plan the hit wasn't enough time, but it had to be done. The Virtuoso - supposedly an "expert" - decided to shoot the front tire while the CEO was driving past the building, making him "overcorrect" and thereby slam into the building. Even IF this would have killed the CEO, a BULLET HOLE to a front tire would not look like an accident. (00:09:22)

Stupidity: Instead of breaking into Gordo's house, covering all the furniture in one room with sheets/thin blankets, and waiting for Gordo to return home in order to kill him via a "dramatic re-enactment" (in an adjacent room which was not shown to the audience), Bill could have taken Gordo anywhere to avoid getting caught or calling the police on himself. Had Bill taken Gordo to his already-"wrapped" motel room, he had enough injuries after the fight to claim self-defense against an intruder. (01:43:20)

Stupidity: Jimmy parked his truck on the side of the road with woods running parallel and starting about 10' away. Jimmy moved to the passenger side so the Sheriff could sit in the driver's seat (for no apparent reason). After Jimmy threw the "white powder" into the Sheriff's face, he quickly got out of the truck and ran straight ahead on the road instead of ducking into the nearby woods. The Sheriff had a clear and easy shot to hit and kill Jimmy. Also, Jimmy should have been much further away. (00:11:51 - 00:12:21)

Stupidity: After Casi changed the tracker on the Navigator, he was sneaking between vehicles to get out of the tow pound. The Whale came and stood in front of the two vehicles Casi was between. Casi stood up and, instead of turning around and running away, rushed TOWARD The Whale in an attempt to get past him. The Whale, much bigger, threw Casi against a vehicle and then onto the garage floor. (01:03:34).

Stupidity: Why would the tow driver go around Deacon's truck in the one-way dead-end parking lot to pick it up from the front? He'd have to back it up on the hook, and Deacon's truck would be in Park, making it impossible. There's a reason tow trucks hook up vehicles by the drive axle ends. (00:08:40)

Stupidity: Patrizia Reggiani is no rocket scientist in this movie, but it's quite bizarre that calling the fortune-teller she sees on TV, with her name written in giant letters in two different spots on screen, she asks her "What's your name?" It makes sense for the international audience who may not recognize the word "Pina" as a name, but an Italian wouldn't have any doubt. (00:41:05)

Stupidity: To quietly kill the hotel valet he is replacing, Diabolik throws a knife at him from distance, hits him in the back, and then drags his body in the middle of the street to the nearest manhole, leaving a long streak of blood he does not conceal. If this sounds pretty risky and unsafe especially for a meticulously planned murder, you have also to consider that in the comic book from 1963 this movie otherwise faithfully adapts, Diabolik did nothing this foolish; he quietly killed the guy strangling him next to the spot he'd dump his body into.