Stupidity: Marta is shown to barf whenever she lies, and Blanc knows this. He should've asked her who did it right away. The entire plot of this movie is rendered unnecessary.
Suggested correction: That would only work if Blanc knew that Marta had knowledge of who killed Harland and if he came to the conclusion that Harland actually killed himself. Blanc doesn't know that Harland killed himself to protect Marta until Marta confesses. Also, this wouldn't have solved the "who done it" anyway, since Marta had no idea that Ransom switched the vials.

Stupidity: After one of the policemen decides to jump over the railing and right into the angry mob (!), Arthur just easily sneaks by ducking under it and takes a nice stroll that will lead him through an unlocked door. Nobody in the mob he is part of decides to do the same, and you can also see that one of the policemen is turned towards him, but does not even yell at him or move. And of course, with the theater packed with the Gotham elite basically under siege by a mob and guarded by the police, the door is unlocked and unchecked. Why not. (01:02:55)
Suggested correction: The point is they were all too distracted by the tussle to notice Arthur ducking behind the barrier. No cop sees him. The angry mob is controlled by the barrier and not all that large so they haven't taken extra precautions to keep the mob at bay, yet. The door Arthur gets in is probably a fire escape and can't be locked for safety reasons.
I think that with an angry mob worth putting barriers and a big police dispatch, they'd tend to lock the door that is like a 20 feet of walk in a straight line. I mean, they have barriers in front of the stairs, but at the base of the stairs there's an unguarded, unprotected, unlocked door. It's just funny. Not even something in the back or around the corner, no; literally one step to the right of the blockade.

Stupidity: The kidnappers steal a silver Citroen van and take it to a junkyard to switch the plates. They steal plates off an older green color Asian type sedan and place them on the van. If the cops run the plates as they normally do random checks as they drive, those plates will not match that vehicle. They should have found the same make and color of Citroen van they stole and swapped plates for plates, the chances of the owner noticing are small. Now if the plates get run they match that vehicle. (00:00:38 - 00:01:18)

Stupidity: Angela ran over to her neighbor Mr. Charlie when she heard him come home. Angela was complaining that his son and friends make too much noise, do whatever the want, are bringing property values down, act wild/crazy, draw attention to everybody, and she doesn't want the police coming. These may be legitimate complaints, but the way Angela expressed them would bring down property values! Not only was she yelling in the street, she used "m-f-ing" several times, as well as other select words. (00:02:35 - 00:03:07)

Stupidity: Dirk squeezed a long stream of lighter fluid onto the pile of Mario's clothes, then saw a necklace, which he removed (and potentially got lighter fluid on his hand while doing so). Instead of tossing a match from a safe (r) distance, Dirk crouched next to the saturated clothes and held a match near the bottom of the pile, risking burning himself. (00:06:40 - 00:07:21)