Factual error: When the air hose on the truck is severed, the brakes release. In reality, on an air-braking system, if the air hose is severed, the brakes lock on as a safety measure.

Factual error: During the chase with the semi, McClane is shown struggling to keep the truck under control with the freeway collapsing/blowing up all around him. He is shown making a left turn on a ramp, and the truck going up on 9 wheels, almost rolling. The shot cuts back to McClane steering left to to try to control the truck. If he were to steer left, as depicted, he would be guaranteed to roll the truck. If he was trying to get the wheels back down, he'd have to steer into the roll, or right, to bring it back on the wheels. At the end of the shot, you can actually see the stuntman brings the wheels down with a short right turn of the steering wheel. The similar entry in corrections is right, the person making the correction is wrong. During 15 years of driving a semi, I had a very similar situation with the truck almost rolling. I had to steer into the roll to bring the truck back on the wheels, not away from it, as the film showed McClane doing.

Factual error: As the two fast boats start heading up river towards the finale shootout, one boat has its navigation lights reversed. It has a red light on the starboard/right side, and a green light on the port/left side. It should be the other way around. (The lights on the other boat are correct.)

Factual error: Near the end, when Cooper and Rachel are talking in the street, you can see in the background a multi-story brick and glass office building. It appears again a few shots later.

Factual error: When Cruz is schooling Jaunito about "Quetzalcoatl" in the background the song "Low Rider" is playing. The timeline states it's 1972, but the song wasn't released until 1975. (00:08:10)

Factual error: In the scene straight after the opening credits we are taken to Baker Street where construction work is being done. This work is identified by a sign with a logo as being for the underground line. The logo type face was developed by a Mr. Edward Johnston for London Underground from 1913 but the distinctive typeface used in the film was not in place until 1919. This is obviously long after the 1891 setting of the film.

Factual error: When Javert arrives in Paris to inform the Prefect that he has found Valjean, the government building displays the French Tricolour. This part of the film is set in 1823, during the Bourbon Restoration, so the flag should be the white, Bourbon flag.

Factual error: In the Bosphorus scenes, as the ferry crosses from the Asian to the European side of Istanbul, in the distance large trucks can be seen speeding along the coastal road opposite. Well before their time.

Factual error: The Saint steals gold. One gold bar in this movie measures 30cm x10cm at the base and 7 cm high with a 10 degree draft angle. That means about 2.1 liter size and weight of 40 kg for one gold bar. The Saint moves bars with one hand from the briefcase to the backpack, can run and hit etc. The backpack would weigh 240kg and somehow a man runs off with it one one hand. (00:07:00 - 00:11:50)

Factual error: Louis Simo gives his son an Etch-A-Sketch while taking him to school, and later when Louis stops by to see his son at his ex-wife's house, his son is playing with the Etch-A-Sketch in his bedroom. Both incidents take place in the summer of 1959. George Reeves died June 16, 1959, hence the investigation. The first Etch-A-Sketch toys were produced on July 12, 1960 and Ohio Art launched the toy in the United States in time for the 1960 holiday season.

Factual error: Lord Rama is shown holding the bow in the right hand and raising the left hand for blessings. In Hindu practice the blessings are always given by right hand.

Factual error: In the scene at Idlewild airport, the actors walk past the rear of an easily identified 1965 Chevy Impala. Occasionally Chevrolet introduced vehicles early, but never two years early.

Factual error: During the first race a square plate on the floor falls off Brian's Eclipse. The Mitsubishi Eclipse is a unibody car; the frame and body are built as one solid piece, and it does not have floor pans. While some racers might put a steel plate in the interior as a finishing piece, it would be cosmetic only and not part of the vehicle's structure.

Factual error: When Jackie and Chris are at the Casino. Chris goes to play craps and throws $100,000 down for chips. The croupier give Chris two stacks of 20 $500 chips, which equates to only $20,000. (01:01:35)
Suggested correction: He wasn't really focusing on how much money he threw. Carter was creating a distraction for Lee so the Security would not see him sneak in to find the plates.

Factual error: In the Brighton street scenes the parading air cadets are wearing service issue pullovers. These were not introduced as part of the uniform until the mid seventies. During the sixties air cadets would have been wearing battledress tunics.

Factual error: The display on John Spartan's cryogenic reads, "August 3, 2032," which will fall on a Tuesday. Later that same day, Huxley says to Warden Smithers, "It's a beautiful Monday morning" (00:11:30 - 00:12:15)

Factual error: When Austin Powers is in the casino and plays blackjack with #2, the sequence of the blackjack hand is dealt wrong. (00:28:55)

Factual error: The first thing on screen after the opening credits is the year the film is set in, 1953. How then, do Kim Novak and Tony Curtis make their arrival in a Cadillac convertible, which is quite obviously of 1959 vintage? (00:19:44)

Factual error: The group is plunged into the icy water for at least several minutes wearing nothing but light jackets yet no one seems to be suffering from hypothermia in the slightest when they show up on shore. (00:21:30)

Factual error: Text doesn't actually move up a screen, it only appears to; it's really only blinking lights. As such, the improvised scanner wouldn't work, you'd only get a small slice of each line.