Factual error: When Kevin's mom leaves Paris to return home, the plane shown departing the airport is a DC-9. No airline uses this plane for trans-Atlantic service - it doesn't have the required range.
Suggested correction: Although not explicitly mentioned, it could easily be a connecting flight which departs Europe from another airport. Potentially flying a short or medium range aircraft to reach a hub airport like Heathrow, then catching a trans-Atlantic flight back to the US.

Factual error: In the scene at Idlewild airport, the actors walk past the rear of an easily identified 1965 Chevy Impala. Occasionally Chevrolet introduced vehicles early, but never two years early.

Factual error: During the scene where Peyton is hanging from the helicopter, Durant is firing at him with a grenade-launcher. He hits several cars, most of which end up in flaming wrecks. Despite this, traffic continues as normal... If you saw cars around you exploding, would you casually continue on, oblivious? This error is especially visible with the truck driver, whom reacts to Peyton landing on top of his truck, but seems oblivious to the chaos behind him.

Factual error: The lights and siren of a police car don't go on when starting the engine. They are turned on and off separately from the engine.

Factual error: Bob shoots Nikita in the knee to prevent her from doing anything drastic. However her leg heals really fast, without any medical help and no scars at all. (00:19:00)

Factual error: There are multiple mistakes in the Italian passport for Clark. Febraio (February) is spelled with only one 'b', and the city Palermo is followed by the region name, which is not put on a passport.

Factual error: The blonde cop is thrown into a hardware store. She then grabs a brand new, shiny chainsaw that was sitting on a cardboard stand-up display. Then, of course, she goes to attack the maniac cop with the weapon. A new chainsaw that was on display wouldn't have gas in it.

Factual error: When officer Van is shot with a shotgun his body is lifted off the ground and knocked several feet backward. One of the basic laws of physics states for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. The amount of energy required to lift and move an adult man would be tremendous and the person firing the gun would have been subjected to the same force.

Factual error: During the car chase through Northern Illinois they are passing by palm and cypress trees. Not indigenous to Illinois.

Factual error: Tommy Molto stands up and tells Judge Lyttle that the prosecution has not been able to find a key piece of evidence: a bar glass found in the victim's apartment. The jury is present when Molto makes this statement. That would never happen in a real courtroom. The judge had not yet decided whether testimony about the glass could be offered by the prosecution, so he certainly would not want the jury to hear anything about the glass until AFTER he made that decision.

Factual error: If you look at the band playing in the Regal Club the night the boy's mother first visits, the night where they first bring on the donkey, you'll notice that the drum kit used by the drummer in the band is, from what we can see, a 1980's Pearl kit, far too modern. (00:39:00)

Factual error: Amanda gets married when she is either 13 or 14. The legal age in Oklahoma is 16, and there's nothing to suggest she lied about her age.

Factual error: When the police chief is looking at Danny's police file just before calling his father, you can see a few different phone numbers listed. These numbers are all using 213 as the area code which is for Los Angeles, CA. Given that the film takes place in New York City and that the addresses listed on the same police file are NYC addresses, the phone numbers should be using 212 area codes. (00:28:22)

Factual error: In the scene that takes place on the number 7 train, Penn Station is a destination identifier. The 7 train does not go to Penn Station. It terminates at Times Square.

Factual error: No handgun shots can throw a police officer through the air halfway over a diner. That's just pure Hollywood fantasy (Mythbusters even proved this using all kinds of guns).

Factual error: At the beginning when one of the thieves steals the red Porsche, he opens the car with a tool but turns it on without the key in just one second.