Trivia: A little foreshadowing - when the King first goes to the Poison Apple pub, a frog with ruby red lips asks him if she has met him before.

Trivia: The two old men near the end, talking about it being "old school" are voiced by Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnston, two Walt Disney animators who worked on such classics as Bambi and Cinderella.

Trivia: The "Montage" song is actually from an episode of South Park (Parker and Stone's TV show) called "Asspen," where Stan learns how to ski in a similar montage style.

Trivia: When all the sharks are sitting around the table, Lenny coughs up several items including a license plate. This is the same license plate from both "Jaws" and "Deep Blue Sea." (01:10:35)

Trivia: In the English dub of the film, Anna Paquin voices Ray Steam, Alfred Molina voices Edward (Ray's father) and Patrick Stewart voices Lloyd (Ray's grandfather). The three also share another connection in real-life. Paquin and Stewart co-starred in all three "X-Men" films, which were created by Marvel, and Molina starred in another popular Marvel comic-turned-film, when he appeared as the villain in "Spider-Man 2."

Trivia: When the cows push Junior down the mine shaft, a "Goofy Holler" can be heard.