Visible crew/equipment: You can blatantly see lights in the water when Jimmy is brought back to life, which makes no sense at a garbage dump at a closed mine in the nighttime.

Visible crew/equipment: After Frank's limo "stalls" during the first step of phase four, when Frank tries to hug Marty just before Jaleel shows up, in the shot facing the back of the limo the reflection of the boom mic (with its fuzzy wind cover) is visible on the limo's surface.

Visible crew/equipment: After Bruce shoots Lemont with the big gun, you can see the crew's reflection in his sunglasses as he's rubbing his ear. (01:01:20)

Visible crew/equipment: When Mr. Coolidge shuts off his TV after Jamaica's first bobsled run, a stage light is reflected in the TV screen.

Visible crew/equipment: The camera is visible in Cyclops' glasses when he is in Logan's room and says, "Oh, and Logan: stay away from my girl."

Visible crew/equipment: After Colossus and Negasonic Teenage Warhead leave the manor, the scene cuts back to the bridge where several gunmen are shown exiting cars and begin approaching Deadpool. In one of the shots during this, a gunman is shown exiting the passenger side of a car, with the camera placed behind him. In the shot, the reflection of a camera, cameraman and boom mic are visible in the wing mirror. (00:10:15)

Visible crew/equipment: When Mimi is escaping from the castle and swinging on the drain pipes, the wire holding the whole lot up is visible. (00:29:10)

Visible crew/equipment: When Algren is dressed by Katsumoto's sister in her dead husband's armour, she backs away and kneels down. Next to her knee is a blue dot, which would be her "mark" for where she was supposed to kneel. (01:44:05)

Visible crew/equipment: When they capture the brain bug, just before Carl says "It was a man called Zim [who captured the bug]", you can see a microphone antenna shadow is visible on his back. The shadow of the camera on his shoulder can also be seen in the fullscreen DVD edition. (01:57:35)

Visible crew/equipment: Just after Lovell secures the hatch for LM jettison, and Swigert states "Okay, pyro batts look good, I don't think we're gonna have to tie those other batteries," there is a visible bearded crew member wearing glasses and a hoodie on the lower right hand side of the screen. This is only visible in the fullscreen version. (02:01:00)

Visible crew/equipment: When Li's sons is doing "pushups" on one finger while flying up into the air you see the wire attached to him. (00:29:50)

Visible crew/equipment: As the Power Rangers are running out of Maligore's temple as the volcanic pit erupts, in the shot from behind them all running out, down the path, if you look to the right of the screen, in the bushes you can plainly see two crewmembers standing there; one in red trousers and the other in a blue shirt holding a drink. (01:21:05)

Visible crew/equipment: The last time we see George in California he is running down the road. When the camera moves up you can see the shadow of the camera man and camera crane on the ground as clear as day.

Visible crew/equipment: When the prisoners are being sold at the market, there are several shots of people chanting right at the camera. In one of these shots, an obvious shadow of the camera and its magazine can be seen in the lower part of the screen. (01:10:36)

Visible crew/equipment: When the police are following the two kids to the old church, the first shot shows the kids driving but when the camera is slowly going to the cop car on the the door you can see equipment.

Visible crew/equipment: When Bartleby and Loki are walking through the airport terminal, there are several poster frames on the wall in the background. In one of the highly reflective poster frames we can see the camera crew.

Visible crew/equipment: After Luke cuts Vader's hand, there's a shot of the Emperor walking downstairs. The shadow of the crew is visible on the lower left corner of the image. It can't be the shadow of Luke.

Visible crew/equipment: When the tug leaves the harbour in search of the (ghost) ship you can see the waves of the ship from which the scene is being filmed. (00:10:30)

Visible crew/equipment: Very near the end, when they are doing a pan-out of the deserted building, there are three of the five characters standing in plain view. The other two are in the building, one is helping the other cope with a wound. When they do the pan-out, look through the bottom right "window hole." There is someone standing there, and it can't be any of the five people mentioned. (02:05:35)

Visible crew/equipment: There is a camera operator visible in the reflection of Ethan's sunglasses in the funeral scene.