Revealing mistake: In the catacombs of the library, Indy and Elsa are waist deep in petroleum. Indy has a torch, and if you look carefully, you will see burning pieces of the torch fall and hit the petroleum. Wouldn't this start a fire as Kazim later on sets the cavern alight with a single match? (00:34:05)

Revealing mistake: When Pippin falls in the Midgewater Marshes, you can see that part of his Hobbit foot is ripped off. Extended DVD. (01:04:50 - 01:07:30)

Revealing mistake: In the scene where Storm and Nightcrawler rush to rescue the children from the holding cell, you see a shot of the cell where the children stand up and say "Listen..." before Nightcrawler teleports inside. If you look carefully, you will see Nightcrawler's silhouette in the shadow against the wall. (01:27:50)

Revealing mistake: Throughout almost the whole movie Harry's glasses don't have lenses in them. Only in two or so scenes do they appear.

Revealing mistake: In the shooting scene in the Mount Rushmore cafe, a boy in the background puts his fingers in his ears, because he knows the gun is about to be shot.

Revealing mistake: When all the kids are in the diner just before Chunk knocks over the water jug, Mikey starts to bang on the ground with a bar. When Brand stops him, Mikey calls him by his real name Josh. This is verified on the DVD by Sean Astin himself, in the commentary. (00:40:40)

Revealing mistake: When Scorpion and Johnny Cage are in the forest, you can see a car drive by in the far left corner. You have to look really close though.

Revealing mistake: In the scene at the end of the very first battle, where Imperial troops have just taken control of Princess Leia's rebel ship, Darth Vader breaks the neck of the Captain Antilles and tosses his body to the wall. The "dead" Captain puts up both of his hands to avoid slamming his face into the wall. (00:05:40)

Revealing mistake: Most of the posed, fake displays in the ape's Museum of Natural History contain real people who are slightly moving if one pays careful attention. Especially noticeable are those posing with objects held in - or above - their hands.

Revealing mistake: In the Forbidden Forest, HRH are introduced to Grawp. Just as the giant lifts Hermione off the ground, in the shot from behind her, Hermione's legs disappear below her calves; the digital lines are actually visible. Slow-mo is not necessary. (Only visible on fullscreen DVD.) (01:29:40)

Revealing mistake: Doug has the hologram when inside the alien nuclear reactor, and a bunch of bad guys encircle the holographic image and fire at it at point blank with automatic weapons, and not one bad guy gets hit. If they encircled the 3D image, at least a few bad guys would have been hit by their own men. (01:37:00)

Revealing mistake: In the scenes where there's a video link to the docks shown on computer, there's a bar moving along the bottom of the screen, showing us that it's actually a video that's just playing on the computer. (00:52:05)

Revealing mistake: When the riders break out of Helm's Deep, you can see the hooves on some of the horses pass straight through the Uruk-hai corpses on the bridge. (01:29:10)

Revealing mistake: At the end when Sullivan is shot in the back while looking out the window, you can see blood come through the front of his shirt, meaning the bullets must have exited his body, yet the window he is standing in front of isn't shattered by the bullets that had passed through him. Also, immediately after this when Jude Law sets up his camera to take photos of Tom Hanks dying, the blood all over the glass is completely gone. The window is clean.

Revealing mistake: During the fight scene in the belly dancer's room, Bond spins the bald guy around to avoid being hit by a chair. When the bald guy gets hit in the back with the chair, you can see a large rectangle of padding under his jacket.

Revealing mistake: When Benji imagines putting on a mask of an agent he plans to impersonate, when the camera pans around to first show the mirror, the mirror Benji's hands are further up on his face than the reflection, and the mirror Benji's hands move down his face slightly before the reflection starts to move them. Also, the mole that Ethan has on his left cheek isn't reversed in the mirror image. The "mirror" was actually a hole in the wall between two identical sets (one mirrored), with Simon Pegg and a Tom Cruise double in the foreground, and the mask actor and Tom Cruise in the background "mirror" set. (00:57:20)

Revealing mistake: During the car chase scene, if you watch the speedometer on the car, it never rises above zero. That, and the obviously poor image quality of the "road" in front of them, shows that they were using projected film in front of the car.

Revealing mistake: After the final fight scene, where Maximus is dead and on his back in the sand, his armour would have made his head droop horribly backwards. To avoid that, the filming crew put a pillow of sand under his head to raise it about three inches. (02:20:10)

Revealing mistake: Inside Jurassic World's main control room, Chris Pratt looks at a view screen depicting a paramilitary team tracking down the escaped I-Rex. In an homage to the film Aliens, the screen is complete with POV cam footage and heart rate monitors. Unfortunately, the FX team didn't catch the fact that all four people are shown having identical heart rates. Ridley Scott made the same mistake in Prometheus. (00:44:00)

Revealing mistake: After Evolet got hit by the arrow and presumably dies, D'leh is staring at a mammoth. Behind the mammoth, you can see that the background is a picture.