Stupidity: The highly trained commandos who knew everything about the NSA base and penetrated it during a perfectly planned operation through weapons and devices that pierce steel like butter, decided to stand outside the barn (so they knew something valuable was there) and its wooden door. It even has a direct line to the command center.

Stupidity: Kora and Gunnar arrive at the town to find the rebel Bloodaxes via a contact of Gunnar's. They literally see this contact being hauled out of a bar by bounty hunters who work for the Imperium...and then walk straight into the same bar and start openly talking about needing to find the rebels right in front of the bartender and other patrons, who for all they know are all Imperium-aligned.

Stupidity: The protagonist is wearing normal boots atop a spacesuit while being on a moon mission. (01:37:11)

Stupidity: Crystal knows she is being hunted and in a very dangerous life-threatening situation yet, after she kills "Ma and Pops" in their Main Street Market, she grabs only a few shotgun shells out of the open box instead of taking all of them or as many as she could find. Also, she walks some distance to the store but did not take anything to drink or eat. (00:27:00 - 00:27:55)

Stupidity: The "keep everyone in the stadium" plan is foiled when gold is scattered around the outside and everyone leaves. The bad guys didn't consider locking the doors? Not least because once the terrifying sky tendrils descend and boiling red clouds start filling the arena, surely people would have started bolting for the wide open exits.

Stupidity: When the duke approaches the wall at the end, Snake dives on him and briefly knocks him out. Snake could have easily grabbed his gun back and left the duke unarmed (or even just killed the duke there and then), but just gets up and runs, leaving it with him.

Stupidity: Molly was being hunted and didn't know if she could trust Rayburn when he encountered her. Rayburn told Molly that he wanted to help, wouldn't hurt her, put a blanket around her, and even carried her in the woods for some distance. When he put her on the ground (along with his backpack and rifle) to go find the rope to open the pitfall doors and had his back turned, Molly got out from under the blanket and hid nearby. Rayburn quickly found Molly, and Molly made a lame attempt at attacking him with some kind of club. The next day when Rayburn and Molly were in Rayburn's house and her hunter showed up and attacked Rayburn, Molly grabbed Rayburn's rifle and fired several shots at the hunter. Molly obviously knew how to use a rifle, so it was asinine for her to have hidden from Rayburn the previously night without taking his rifle (or the blanket). (00:36:22)

Stupidity: When the two Russians are walking past the security guard after killing Gregor, they are just allowed out without being detained because one of them shows a Chilean passport. The French gendarmes are not that incompetent. They would detain the men until everything is (or is not) cleared up. (01:49:05)

Stupidity: In the scene where the Japanese pilots are attacking the main airfield, at one point in the background, you can see a Bofors Anti-Aircraft gun, yet nobody bothers to use it.
Suggested correction: Maybe it doesn't have any ammo, or there is nobody around who actually knows how to use it. These things can happen in a surprise attack on what is basically a holiday resort.

Stupidity: The bad guy who spies on Bosley is visible from the very beginning of the scene, when Elena is not even inside the cafe yet. The cafe does not have many customers and the bad guy is using a loud vintage typewriter with a big mirror mounted on top (!). The Angels are portrayed as being super smart and their setup is so careful, but somehow they managed to miss something amazingly obvious. Conversely, nobody would have ever paid attention to a laptop or any silent, modern-age device perhaps with a camera or something similar, so the bad guy chose the most blatantly conspicuous accoutrement for his spying job. Try showing up to a cafe punching the keys of a big clunky typewriter and literally everyone will be looking at you. (00:18:25)

Stupidity: Staff Sergeant Duquesne is tossing and flipping rifle grenades before affixing them to his rifle to launch against the German tanks. A battle-hardened no-nonsense sergeant like Duquesne would never waste valuable time showing off, and would definitely not flip or toss around explosive ordnance like rifle grenades.

Stupidity: At the end of the plane chase Bond fails to finish off Hinx. Regardless whether he thinks he's dead or not, with a licence to kill he should have made sure.