Stupidity: McCord gives Lincoln and Jordan a credit card and tells them that he will have to report it missing within twenty four hours, and he warns them that they can be traced by using it. He then gives them a huge wedge of cash. Since we have a society that still uses cash, and he has acknowledged how dangerous the use of a "stolen" credit card is - he even tells them how using it will lead the authorities straight to them - why not just tell them to use the cash? (If there wasn't enough, they get a cash advance on the credit card up to its limit - easy). He repeatedly acknowledges the risks of using the card, and it is absurd to speculate that he didn't have time to find and use an ATM to max out the card. He doesn't have to find an ATM - Lincoln and Jordan do, and as he acknowledges they have twenty four hours to do so. Once the cash is withdrawn, the card is thrown away, and nobody is at risk.

Stupidity: How would a devout catholic like Angela not believe in the devil, as she tells Constantine? Makes no sense.
Suggested correction: Some Christians don't believe in the literal personification of the Devil. They see him more as a metaphor for all human sins. So according to them, the Devil is not something to blame evil on. Everybody has God and the Devil in them.

Stupidity: The highly trained commandos who knew everything about the NSA base and penetrated it during a perfectly planned operation through weapons and devices that pierce steel like butter, decided to stand outside the barn (so they knew something valuable was there) and its wooden door. It even has a direct line to the command center.
Suggested correction: We don't know how much cash it was, could just have been many 1$ bills and a few tens. So they probably would have needed more money at the beginning, and as they had to hurry for the train it couldn't have been possible for McCord to go for an ATM machine. They can use the card without danger until he reports it stolen (nobody knows at that time that McCord is helping them, so they wouldn't track down his credit card, until he reports the theft) So it's not even a character mistake as he thinks they'd be safe to use it in the next 24 hours. His warnings are for after the 24 hours, when it is reported stolen. And anyway, they need the credit card so that Jordan can get back into the facility.
Ronnie Bischof