Best action movie stupidity of all time

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Stupidity: At the beginning after Loki steals the tesseract he could easily uses his magic to make a portal in order to disappear from there.

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Suggested correction: Loki has never been shown to have the ability to form portals.

Never? He used the Tesseract in Endgame to disappear.


The original entry is saying that Loki could have used his own magic to create a portal. He has never been shown to have that power. If he did, he would have been able to escape the portal Doctor Strange trapped him in in Thor: Ragnarok.


Suggested correction: Loki is a trickster and only has the ability of creating illusions making anyone see what he wants them to see.

Suggested correction: Loki didn't need to create a portal to escape (not that he has that ability anyway). He escaped very easily with Hawkeye, who became his henchman.

Suggested correction: Loki does not possess the ability to create portals with his magic. He could potentially use the Tesseract to do so, but it's possible he believes it needs to be connected to a machine or in some other kind of housing to be safely utilized, since that is how the portal opened that allowed him to come to Earth, and then later allowed him to open the portal above Stark Tower to allow the Chitauri to invade.


More The Avengers stupidity
Pacific Rim Uprising picture

Stupidity: The coast cities should have an alarm that detects the Kaijuns. If they do, they should work when the beasts are few miles away from the shore in order to give the people time to get to the shelters. Instead of that there are still people on the streets in Japan and on the docks in Los Angeles (in the flashback) while the kaijuns arrive from the sea.


More Pacific Rim Uprising stupidity
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi picture

Stupidity: Leia was carrying a handheld bomb. Yet she doesn't think to bring it with her later on while freeing Han.


More Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi stupidity
Blue Streak picture

Stupidity: It is pretty silly for Martin Lawrence to go undercover as a police officer when it would make way more sense to go undercover as a janitor/custodian since his main goal is to gain access to the vent. A janitor would be a way less conspicuous disguise than a detective and slipping through a backdoor entrance disguised as a janitor should not be all that complicated for someone as savvy as Myles. But of course this would make a far less entertaining film.

More Blue Streak stupidity
X-Men: First Class picture

Stupidity: All the mutants on the island need Magneto at the last second to take control of the missiles so they don't land and explode. Why didn't Azazel just teleport everyone off the island?

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Suggested correction: Given the situation, there was probably very little time to come up with a plan like this. The missiles were flying towards them extremely quickly, and there would have been nowhere near enough time to band every single person together for Azazel to teleport them all out of there in just a few seconds.

Casual Person

There was plenty of time. He could have taken 5 at a time down the Beach 3 miles and came back for the rest. Earlier in the movie he was moving so fast men were falling from the sky at nearly the same time and he was teleporting them one at a time.

More X-Men: First Class stupidity
Jingle All the Way picture

Stupidity: After hearing the question on the radio station to win the Turbo Man doll and a failed attempt at the pay phone to answer it, Howard and Myron end up running two blocks to the station to answer the question. This is really stupid because the prize was going to the first caller with the answer and in the few min it would take to run to the station two blocks away and finally reach the DJ, many calls would have come in and most likely someone would have won already, way before the men arrived there.

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Suggested correction: This isn't a stupidity or a mistake. What else did you expect them to do? Plus, the DJ even later asks if they expected him to actually have a Turbo Doll in the studio, and they both said "yes."


Not only that but, Myron had ripped the phone receiver out so Howard couldn't give the answer to the DJ. Howard and Myron running to the radio station was the only other option they had. At that point, it would only be a matter of if they got to the station in time before somebody could call in with the right answer.

It was a very easy question naming santa's reindeer. Although some people may not quite know them all... most people do. Now if it was a relatively hard question, our two guys probably had a better chance. But all good points made here in all these comments.

More Jingle All the Way stupidity
X-Men 2 picture

Stupidity: The prison where Magneto is held should have had a contingency plan just in case of escape, like machine guns outside the cell, or tranquilizer darts, or gas.


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Suggested correction: What good would machine guns and tranquilizer darts be against a man who can literally control and manipulate metal? As for gas, the area outside the cell is so large that any gas would quickly dissipate before it could be effective.


A gun made of plastic, there are million of materials beside metal.


They had guns made of plastic.


More X-Men 2 stupidity
Fast & Furious 8 picture

Stupidity: When the crew go to New York they are in the back of a fish truck carrying fish. There's no need for them to do that. So long as the truck looks normal outside to keep their cover, they could have the inside kitted out any way they want. When they get to the fish factory they open up the warehouse in front of the workers to reveal the cars, so the workers are in on it being a front - it makes no sense to actually have fish in the back of the truck.

More Fast & Furious 8 stupidity
Space Sweepers picture

Stupidity: When the crew think that Dorothy is a robot with a bomb planted in her and is capable of exploding, they begin to think that she is about to explode and attempt to dodge it. Rather than hide somewhere or take cover behind an area that may protect them, they just get down on the floor in front of them and cover their heads with their hands. If they thought the explosion was going to be as deadly as the one they saw on the news, this method of taking cover wouldn't be even remotely effective. (00:24:40)

Casual Person

More Space Sweepers stupidity
Jurassic World picture

Stupidity: When the Pteradons are loose and flying over the crowds, people run from inside buildings out into the open where the birds are attacking people. (01:22:00)


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Suggested correction: A person is smart, people are stupid. A crowd in a panic would do exactly that sort of thing. Like trampling over each other running in panic from a shooting or a fire when not needed. It's the nature of panic in humans as a group to act stupid. It's not a movie mistake. It's actually one of the more realistic parts of the film.

Quantom X

Suggested correction: The dinosaurs were also breaking into/attacking people inside, so they weren't safe no matter what.

True, but one option is certainly safer than the other.


Between being stuck outside and easy pickings and being inside and protected to a degree you can certainly see that one is safer as you say, than the other.


More Jurassic World stupidity
48 Hrs. picture

Stupidity: The fact that Nolte even gives in to Eddie's demands is ridiculous. Why not just interview him in prison, ask him where to look for certain people, etc, and if it's a dead end, report back and ask for further tips, etc. They had zero problem going to prison and asking Kirkland Smith in the sequel.


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Suggested correction: He refused to tell him anything unless Kates takes him out of prison.

More 48 Hrs. stupidity
Black Widow picture

Stupidity: Natasha is in Norway on the run - Norwegian radio mentions her by name, Yelena talks about her being on magazines, she's very recognisable, and yet she goes into a gas station with her sister without changing her appearance in any way, and loudly talks about being an Avenger and killing people, right in front of the gas station attendant who for all she knows would be on the phone to the authorities the second she's out the door.

Jon Sandys

More Black Widow stupidity
Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade picture

Stupidity: Any fighter pilot should know better than to attempt a low flying attack so close to a hill, let alone into a tunnel. How could he not know that it was there? How'd this moron even get his pilot's license?

More Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade stupidity
The Purge: Anarchy picture

Stupidity: If Leo wants to kill his son's killer at any cost and no matter what happens, he should've gone directly to his House when the purge starts.

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Suggested correction: He absolutely is headed there, but we see at least one incident where his path is blocked due to people out purging, and he needs to turn around. That detour caused him to go a different route, which led him to the mother and daughter. We even see him struggling with the decision on whether or not to help them. He decides to do so, and the rest of the movie unfolds as we see, but there is no mistake.


More The Purge: Anarchy stupidity
Dr. No picture

Stupidity: Bond has been shot at and hunted down by armed men and dogs. He must conclude his life is in danger, and yet after Bond despatches the armed man in the creek who is carrying a British Sten submachine gun, he fails to pickup the weapon which has far superior firepower to his small calibre hand gun. Had he done, so he may well have saved Quarrel and avoided capture.

More Dr. No stupidity
Doomsday picture

Stupidity: This highly trained squad of soldiers is sent into a known contaminated zone with all manner of chaos going on within in...and the second one of them sees a woman outside his APC he ignores a direct order and pops outside to see how she's doing.

Jon Sandys

More Doomsday stupidity
Payback picture

Stupidity: Kind of dumb for the bad guys to leave Porter in the car trunk with nobody there to watch and make sure he doesn't try to escape.


More Payback stupidity
Bullet Proof picture

Stupidity: Mia said, "Look, there's a clinic. Are they open?" The Thief replied, "I don't know, but we gotta get off the road" (because Temple and his goons were chasing them and not far behind). The thief parked in front of the clinic, which was along the road, and he and Mia went into the clinic. (00:39:38)


More Bullet Proof stupidity
Top Gun: Maverick picture

Stupidity: When Maverick dives the F-14 into the hills to confuse the targeting system on the enemy aircraft, the enemy aircraft fires its guns, and the F-14 fires off flares in response...waste of flares that they could have used after the 3rd enemy fires a missile at them.

Steve Kozak

More Top Gun: Maverick stupidity
Boon picture

Stupidity: Catherine, wearing a dress and coat, was outside in the snow chopping firewood while her teenaged son sat nearby playing video games on his tablet. This could also fall under "plot hole" because having the son close by made him available to try to help his mom when Pryce attacked her (with the intent to rape). (00:36:40 - 00:37:15)


More Boon stupidity

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