Meta Knight: Your spirit is willing but your pink flesh is weak.
Escargoon: You Know, you're a real couch potato. You're as big as a couch and you're full of potatoes.
Escargoon: Now you've broken the King's heart! How? I don't know, he doesn't have one.
Raven: OK, just because I'm a Dark Matter doesn't mean I know about this stuff!
King DeDeDe: Yer a what?! How come I didn't know that!?
Meta Knight: Sire, In case you have forgotten, Raven has implied that she is a Dark Matter countless times...
Raven: He's just forgetful, Sir.
King DeDeDe: So, uh...d'ya only wear black or...?
Raven: Only black.
King DeDeDe: Huh. What'd ya do in yer free time?
Raven: Well, to draw or listen to music.
King DeDeDe: Like, what kinda music? D'ya listen to...heavy metal or relaxin' music?
Raven: Lo-fi. Sometimes the sounds of nature.
King DeDeDe: Y'know Meta Knight really picked a weird apprentice it had to be you, eh?
Raven: Yeah.
Tuff: Kirby's in trouble.
Tiff: That monster knows every trick in the book.
Meta Knight: You mean in the cookbook.
King Dedede: I'm gonna miss my little Blocky.
Escargoon: Well, it just goes to show ya, sir, you can't take your monsters for granite.
Escargoon: What are you laughing at? Knuckle Joe just made you look like a knucklehead.
King Dedede: That's trash you're talkin', Kabu! Ain't no such person as Kirby.
Escargoon: That's right! You're full of Kabu-loney.
Kabu: Kabu can see the future.
King Dedede: Then why don't you predict what's gonna happen when I push this here button?
Kabu: I predict you will not push it.
King Dedede: Well, I predict you're dead wrong.
King Dedede: There's a word for this here stuff, and it ain't "food".
King Dedede: Here come yer biggest fans for your autograph.
Tiff: But you crooks are the ones who started all this trouble in the first place.
King Dedede: We was fooled by the Broom King, just like the rest of ya. Right, Escargoon?
Escargoon: Hah! That's a likely story.
King Dedede: That's De-De-De-Devious.
Meta Knight: I see that you are interested in meeting my apprentice, sire.
King Dedede: Wait wait wait; Did ya just say apprentice?!
Meta Knight: Yes. Raven, Could you come out and introduce yourself to the king? It is all right, there is no reason for you to be shy, my child.
Raven: Uh...H-hi. It's nice to meet you, Your Majesty.
Meta Knight: Sire, this is my apprentice: Ravenna Indigo Matter.
King Dedede: Yer apprentice is a 10 year old girl?
Raven: With all due respect, Your Majesty, I'm actually 13 years old...
King Dedede: I was close. So d'ya teach 'er anythin'?
Meta Knight: Well, yes. I am teaching her basic combat recently and she appears to be doing quite well.
Answer: They came from Azarath aka Earth.