Lara Croft (Tomb Raider) vs. Nathan Drake (Uncharted) - S1-E4
Factual error: Nathan throws C4 at Lara and shoots it in mid air to make it explode. A simple bullet would not cause C4 to explode. (00:04:55)
Lara Croft (Tomb Raider) vs. Nathan Drake (Uncharted) - S1-E4
Factual error: Nathan Drake is not afraid of snakes, but in this episode it shows him being deathly afraid of one. (00:05:45)

Lara Croft (Tomb Raider) vs. Nathan Drake (Uncharted) - S1-E4
Continuity mistake: When Nathan sees the snake, he gets scared and quickly stumbles back and falls on his butt. He begins scooting back a decent distance from the snake. But angles from by the snake show him still close to it. The rock behind him is also there or not depending on the angle. (00:05:50)
Lara Croft (Tomb Raider) vs. Nathan Drake (Uncharted) - S1-E4
Audio problem: When Lara first discovers the tracer on the skull, it can be heard beeping. Nathan holds a gun to her head and orders her to hand it over, beeping still heard. The beeping then just stops for no reason. (00:06:20)

Lara Croft (Tomb Raider) vs. Nathan Drake (Uncharted) - S1-E4
Continuity mistake: After her victory, Lara checks her surroundings, and then puts on her red glasses. The rope of hair in front of her face is behind her left lens. She then turns her head and suddenly that same rope of hair is out and in front of the center of her glasses. (00:07:15)