
Spider-Man (1994)

1 continuity mistake in Partners in Danger Chapter 4: Return of Kraven

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Sins of the Fathers Chapter 6: Framed - S3-E6

Plot hole: After Peter Parker is framed and arrested for selling government secrets to foreign organizations, he escapes police custody and goes home to retrieve his Spider-Man costume that was simply hanging in his dark room. If he was arrested for selling government secrets then surely the police would have searched his home and found his costume (as well as equipment) in the process. Since the police car was visible in front of his house, it seems very strange that police didn't search his home.


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Spider-Man: Subtetly is not your strong point, is it?
Wolverine: Hey, can't even spell the word.

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Trivia: Around the same time this show was airing, James Cameron was in the midst of developing a Spider-Man film which would have featured Sandman and Electro as the villains. Due to this plan, Sandman never appeared on this show despite being a prominent member of Spidey's rogue's gallery. Electro eventually made an appearance in the show's final season once it was determined that Cameron's film would never come to fruition, though the Electro that appeared on this show was a bastardized version of his comics counterpart.


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Answer: Yes. Many things that would have been in the sixth season would have had Norman Osborne returning from limbo and reclaiming the title of the Green Goblin, Richard Fisk, the son of "The Kingpin" Wilson Fisk would return as a crime lord known as "The Rose", Ghost Rider would have appeared to help Spider-Man stop Dormammu from returning to Earth and Madame Web and Spider-Man would rescue Mary Jane from limbo.

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