Question: During the song, 2 cute bats are seen with 'Jude'. When the cute bat couple is shown again, Jude is nowhere to be seen. The couple doesn't look at all concerned. When Applejack was singing "These creatures have a one-track mind!", Fluttershy appeared without Jude and couldn't take him or her home and then come back in about 5 seconds. So, where did Jude go?
The Elements of Harmony (2) - S1-E2
Question: When Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy are floating with Twilight, Nightmare Moon, (In the form of smoke) floats right in Twilight's face, though she never notices it. Why is that?
Answer: The smoke floats a few feet away from Twilight and close to the camera so you might think that the smoke is right in her face.
Lily Harrison