Cat on a Hot Steel Beam - S1-E60
Continuity mistake: When Mindy is about to walk off the far end of a steel beam on the 90th floor, Buttons extends the beam by bolting on a wooden plank. As the shots change, so does the side on which the plank is bolted.
Cat on a Hot Steel Beam - S1-E60
Continuity mistake: After Mindy escapes from her backyard to chase a black cat, the gate hook vanishes from the fence post as soon as Buttons notices that Mindy is gone.
Cat on a Hot Steel Beam - S1-E60
Continuity mistake: In the opening scene where Mindy escapes from the backyard's gate, Buttons naturally runs out to find her. But at some point in this short time, the gate's hinges switch sides.
Continuity mistake: After the Warners find an entrance to the alien spaceship's bridge, the pair of sliding doors behind them closes between shots.
Continuity mistake: When the Warners emerge from a sealed crate on Miss Flamiel's desk and start singing, Yakko instantly appears behind Wakko and Dot as soon as the shot changes.
Continuity mistake: After Yakko, Wakko and Dot jump out from their wooden crate and start tearing books from the shelves, the alphabet briefly disappears from its place above the chalkboard.
Continuity mistake: Just as Slappy gets up from her seat to accept a Friar's Award from Walter Wolf, a drinking glass appears on the table in front of her as the shot changes.
Continuity mistake: Inside the Hotel Bomb Adventure's restaurant where Skippy pounds a chicken drumstick with another drumstick, the one he's holding vanishes from his hand between shots. Also, the drumstick on the table in front of him suddenly jumps onto a plate.
Continuity mistake: The foot pedals on the grand piano are missing in the scene where Wakko takes a mop to clean Beethoven's mouth out.
Continuity mistake: When the Warners first step into Beethoven's house, the doorknob plate vanishes.
Continuity mistake: When Dot is about to sing for Beethoven on top of the piano, her microphone switches hands between shots.
The Cat and the Fiddle - S1-E71
Continuity mistake: When Runt charges for Stradivarius' front door, he knocks it clean to the ground but, between shots, its doggy door vanishes.
Nothing but the Tooth - S1-E76
Continuity mistake: Moments after the Warners bust into Rasputin's bedroom, he begs them to relieve his toothache. Rasputin clutches his left cheek in agony, but then his hand is elsewhere as soon as the shot changes.
Meatballs or Consequences - S1-E79
Continuity mistake: When Death rescinds his proclamation to the Warners, Wakko's "kaput" sticker moves itself from the red hat to his forehead just before it gets peeled off.
Meatballs or Consequences - S1-E79
Continuity mistake: The stacks of red and black checkers on Dot's side of the board keep switching places with one another between shots. This occurs after the Warners win the game.
Meatballs or Consequences - S1-E79
Continuity mistake: In the checkers scene between Death and the Warners, Death collects all but one of the opposition's black checkers. In successive shots, the lone black checker jumps from square to square on its own. Then once Death rises from his seat, that same black checker changes color to red.
Continuity mistake: Just before Flavio and Marita go apartment hunting in the city, their helicopter repositions several feet out of the landing pad, despite the fact that nobody is in the cockpit.
Continuity mistake: When the zoologist spots Flavio and Marita playing tennis, a canteen appears around her left shoulder as she holds the binoculars.
Four Score and Seven Migraines Ago - S1-E82
Continuity mistake: Yakko and Dot switch places with each other between shots after they've started tossing around ideas for the opening of Lincoln's Gettysburg Address.
Continuity mistake: During "Jeopardy", Wakko chooses the category 'United States' for $500. The clue appears on the starting board's lower right corner monitor. Next, there's a closeup shot of the clue, but now more monitors have appeared below and to the right between shots.