Superman: The Animated Series

Superman: The Animated Series (1996)

1 mistake in Double Dose

(3 votes)

Double Dose - S2-E10

Factual error: Season 2 episode 10 "Double Dose": When Superman snatches Parasite's escape boat and hauls it back to Stryker's, Parasite attempts to blast him with a shotgun found aboard. But somehow the animators appeared unable to decide whether the gun should be a double-barrel or a pump-action type; and building a double-barrel pump gun would be impractical due to additional weight and bulk.


Mxyzpixilated - S2-E8

Superman: A game has rules. Your stunts are just random idiocy.
Mxyzptlk: Okay, I'll give you a rule. You make me say, spell or otherwise reveal my name backwards, and I'll split until our dimensions come into alignment again in about, oh, three months, say give or take.
Superman: I can't even say your name forward. How am I supposed to say it backward?
Mxyzptlk: No, dope! You don't have to say it backward. You have to get ME to say it.
Superman: Say what?
Mxyzptlk: Kltpzyxm! Gosh, you're thick! Now, for the last time - ah, nuts. [Disappears.].

More quotes from Superman: The Animated Series

In Brightest Day... - S3-E7

Trivia: When Kyle is knocked into the airfield by Siniestro, he crashes into a Sabre jet. As he recovers, we read the pilot's name as Col. Hal Jordan. This is the name of the second, Silver Age Green Lantern.

More trivia for Superman: The Animated Series

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