Beckett: No, you don't understand. I need to be okay.
Dr. Carter Burke: That's not always a choice, Kate. What you're describing, hypervigilance, it's a classic symptom of post-traumatic stress disorder.
Beckett: I don't have PTSD.
Dr. Carter Burke: You were shot, by a sniper. I think it's fair to say this case is going to bring up issues. Issues you still haven't dealt with.
Beckett: Okay, then fine, I'll deal with them. Right now, I need to figure out how to make this stop.
Dr. Carter Burke: It's not going to stop. Not without time and treatment. The psychological trauma is every bit as real as the physical trauma.
Castle: You know, Ryan, none of this is your fault. The fact that he used your gun...
Kevin Ryan: That weapon was issued to me by the city of New York. I let it out of my hand, and now a girl is dead. So please do not tell me that it's not my fault.
Esposito: So... Tell can your victim look like Nelson Blakely, when he supposedly died 10 years ago?
Beckett: Yeah...ah.
Castle: Yeah, weird, isn't it?
Esposito: Yeah...weird. Fake deaths, a car in the water, don't you think now's a good time to tell us what the hell's goin' on?!
Castle: Uhhh.
Beckett: I'm sorry Javy, it's classified.
Esposito: I was Special Forces... I used to eat classified for breakfast, and yet writer boy can know?! Ok, I'll be over there with Harbor Patrol trying to figure out how to get your unit out of the drink! [Turns away, then turns back.] I'm glad you're ok. [Turns and walks away.]
Beckett: [To Esposito.] Thank you!
Esposito: [While walking away] Mmm hmm.
Beckett: Castle, if we were getting married, would you want to know about all the guys that I've slept with?
Castle: All... ?
Beckett: Seriously? You sign women's chests at book readings, you cannot be shocked that I'm not a virgin.
Castle: Ahh, it's just the word, "all" suggests... A lot. How many we talkin', exactly?
Beckett: Are you really asking for my number?
Castle: You show me yours, I'll show you mine.
Beckett: [With a sly smile on her face.] Men. You all wanna know, but you don't wanna know.
Answer: The networks are now having winter breaks. A mid season end of new episodes, when they come back after the new year, it picks up as if several months have gone by. Beckett suggested Valentine's Day as a "chick flick" to watch as she is moved in. Also some episodes are not scheduled to air in order.