Tick: Yes, destiny has her hand on my back, and she's pushing.
Tick: Ah, savory cheese puffs, made inedible by time and fate.
Arthur: Are you aware your roommate is a hideous monster from another dimension with evil plans for world domination?
Thrakkorzog's roommate: Listen, a good roommate relationship is based on a respect for privacy.
Tick: And that's just it, Doc - my mind has always been my Achilles' heel.
Tick: He has the mustache of a titan.
Tick: Villains always have antidotes. They're funny that way.
Tick: And so, Arthur, we learned that gambling is bad and yet in a certain sense, isn't life itself a gamble? You can never be sure of anything. Like who would have thought that dolphins could go bad and that fish were magnetic? Not me, no sir, not me.
Tick: Deadly Bulb. I'm about to write you a reality check. Or would you prefer the cold, hard cash of truth?
Tick: Can't lose my name, it's on all my stationery.
Tick: Mucal invader, is there no end to your oozing?
Tick: Don't ever try to swim against the mighty tide of justice.
Tick: And, isn't sanity really just a one-trick pony anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking, but when you're good and crazy, oooh, oooh, oooh, the sky is the limit.