Alias Smith and Jones

Alias Smith and Jones (1971)

119 mistakes

(11 votes)

Wrong Train to Brimstone - S1-E4

Factual error: When the train is fully boarded, the conductor waves a lamp to signal the engineer. It's supposed to be 8 pm at night, but it's suspiciously sunny on the platform - and the signal lamp is noticeably not lit. (00:08:45)

Jean G

The Men That Corrupted Hadleyburg - S2-E18

Continuity mistake: In the opening shot, Heyes and Curry sit outside the Bannerman office pretending to read a copy of the Denver Post. In full shot, they're holding/hiding behind a single unfolded paper. When we cut to a tighter two-shot, though, each of them holds a separate newspaper. (00:02:00)

Jean G

Something to Get Hung About - S2-E6

Visible crew/equipment: After the street brawl, Heyes, Curry and Stokely walk away arm-in-arm and pass a man in a 20th Century short-sleeved blue shirt with a very 20th Century haircut, leaning on a piece of equipment to the right of the screen - apparently one of the film crew.

Jean G

Alias Smith and Jones (90 min.) - S1-E1

Continuity mistake: When Harker rouses a sleepy Heyes and drags him to the saloon, Heyes' hair is falling over his forehead. The shot cuts, and his hair is combed back. Then he steps through the curtain to talk to Wheat, and the hair is over his forehead again. (00:46:50 - 00:47:30)

Jean G

The Long Chase - S3-E1

Continuity mistake: Curry takes his boots off and runs across a patch of very dusty, dirty desert. When he returns to put his boots back on, the white socks are perfectly clean with no dirt on them.

Jean G

Show generally

Plot hole: Though they often had to race off leaving everything behind, and never carried more than two small saddlebags and a thin blanket roll on their horses, Heyes and Curry somehow always had the same heavy winter coats to wear, and the same dress hats and suits to change into whenever needed. Ben Murphy called this phenomenon "our magic saddlebags."

Jean G

The Clementine Ingredient - S3-E4

Factual error: Clem puts the paper photo into an envelope and licks the flap to seal it. Pre-cut, pre-gummed envelopes, though they'd been invented, were big-city luxuries rare-to-non-existent in the "wild" west - they were too expensive for most people (like Clem) to afford, especially in the economically depressed decades following the Civil War. You generally cut and folded your own envelopes and glued or sealing-waxed them shut. (00:33:40)

Jean G

McGuffin - S3-E10

Continuity mistake: Heyes and Curry both lose their hats when they jump from the riverboat into the water and swim ashore. There's no time to go back and fish the hats out, even if they could find them, but by the next episode and for the rest of the season, they somehow have the same hats back again. (00:41:00)

Jean G

Alias Smith and Jones (90 min.) - S1-E1

Continuity mistake: Deputy Harker keeps checking his pocket watch while making his rounds. The first two times he looks at it, the watch face has Roman numerals. On his third check, it has regular numbers instead. The fourth time, the Roman numerals are back again. (01:05:15 - 01:06:45)

Jean G

Shootout at Diablo Station - S2-E11

Continuity mistake: In interior shots, the station's multi-paned window has dust and grime on all the panes. In exterior shots, as Curry talks to Lom from inside, it's apparent that there's no glass in the window at all. (00:41:00)

Jean G

The Legacy of Charlie O'Rourke - S1-E15

Continuity mistake: Charlie tells Alice that he buried the gold near the Mexican border. But when she looks up the location on a map, the map she's holding is of the state of Wyoming (which is nowhere near Mexico). When they go after the gold, however, they're in Joshua Tree Forest, Arizona, which is near the border. (00:23:15)

Jean G

A Fistful of Diamonds - S1-E8

Continuity mistake: At the campsite, Binford counts out 19 uncut diamonds that were "found" in the salted field. When that same stash is laid out on his desk later, there are 20 stones. And according to Heyes and Curry, there were 21. (00:33:50)

Jean G

Hannibal Heyes: Look, Wheat, I agree, we gotta bust him out. But it's gonna take finesse.
Kyle Murtry: Wheat didn't bring any of that.

More quotes from Alias Smith and Jones

The Biggest Game in the West - S2-E19

Trivia: This was the first episode with Roger Davis replacing Pete Duel as Hannibal Heyes. Duel's tragic suicide apparently meant nothing to insensitive network execs at ABC. They insisted that the production schedule proceed uninterrupted, and that all scenes already in the can with Duel be reshot with Davis. There are three places in the episode, however, in which Duel can still be recognized: in the series intro, pulling a safe from a train (this shot remained for several episodes before being trimmed); walking into the hotel from the stagecoach; and in the scene where Heyes convinces Curry to go talk to the Devil's Hole Gang (shots taken over Heyes' shoulder are of Pete Duel, whose hair was much darker than Davis'). (00:05:10 - 00:21:30)

Jean G

More trivia for Alias Smith and Jones

Don't Get Mad, Get Even - S2-E21

Question: Where did they get the additional $15,000 (total $30,000) to cheat Wainwright? They borrowed $15,000 from Silky but lost $15,000 in the stage holdup.

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