Visible crew/equipment: At the scene of the scaffold accident on the side of the building, near the top of the crane, there is a small covered booth that hangs from the crane. We can see the reflection of the hidden second cameraman and his camera in the mirrored windows of the building, as he leans in and out of that booth to film some of the footage we see during this scene.
Welcome to Santa Rosa County - S6-E10
Visible crew/equipment: After Roy and John eat lunch with the sheriff and decide to head to the lake after lunch, when they both get into the squad car, we can see the reflection of the cameraman, who's wearing jeans and a dark shirt, in the wing mirror, as he walks closer to the car and bends down. We can also see the legs of another crew member standing behind him.
Welcome to Santa Rosa County - S6-E10
Visible crew/equipment: When Sheriff Bittner, John, and Roy are driving to the lake after eating lunch together, the bar for the mounted camera is visible on the driver's door, which is only seen in the interior shots of the car.
Welcome to Santa Rosa County - S6-E10
Visible crew/equipment: After Johnny rappels down alone, so he can inform the sheriff of the situation with the injured climbers, when he talks to the sheriff beside the squad car, the reflections of the camera/dolly/crane are visible on the chrome corner of the sheriff's car.
Welcome to Santa Rosa County - S6-E10
Visible crew/equipment: Right after rescuing the two injured climbers, when John and Roy are in the back of the pickup truck with them, just as the pickup drives off to follow Sheriff Bittner's squad car, we can see the reflection of crew and the camera rig on the Land Rover's windows.
Welcome to Santa Rosa County - S6-E10
Visible crew/equipment: After Sheriff Bittner breaks the door's window to get into the clinic, when they open the door just before they walk inside, the camera's tripod, the corner of the reflector screen, and a crew member wearing a blue/white cap are all visible through the doorway by the porch area.
Paper Work - S6-E11
Visible crew/equipment: After rescuing the foreman and secretary from the structure fire with nitromethane drums, when Roy and John load them onto the ambulance, as Roy shuts the doors the reflections of multiple array lighting rigs are visible on its window and surface.
Paper Work - S6-E11
Visible crew/equipment: At the warehouse, when the foreman yells at Ed for stacking the flammable nitromethane steel drums unsafely, the outline of the mic transmitter is visible on the front left side of Ed's T-shirt.
Loose Ends - S6-E12
Visible crew/equipment: At the hospital, when Gage sells the picnic tickets to Dixie and Dr. Early, just as Dr. Brackett walks up to the nurses' station, both Brackett's and Johnny's T-marks are visible on the floor.
Loose Ends - S6-E12
Visible crew/equipment: When the guys bring Brackett to the hospital after his car accident, two white tape, and one black tape actors' T-marks are all visible on the floor in the ER.
Loose Ends - S6-E12
Visible crew/equipment: During the fire at the train yard, when they carry out the second toxic fume inhalation victim from the boxcar, just before they pass the camera, the shadow of the camera tracking backwards is visible on the boxcar, to the left.
Loose Ends - S6-E12
Visible crew/equipment: When Dixie visits Brackett in his hospital room, he insists on seeing the little girl from the accident, but she convinces him to get back into bed. Then as he says "Alright, but later I want to see her," the actor's tape mark is visible on the floor near the second bed, where Dixie stands as Brackett gets back in bed.
An Ounce of Prevention - S6-E13
Visible crew/equipment: When Roy and Johnny are on Tom Jensen's show, the outline of Johnny's lavalier mic transmitter is visible on the front, right of Johnny's shirt, over his belt, as he and Roy begin their demonstration, and also after Jensen's crew member electrocutes himself when Johnny and Roy carry and lay him down near the table. This has nothing to do with the wired mics that are clipped onto Roy's and Johnny's ties for Tom Jensen's show.
An Ounce of Prevention - S6-E13
Visible crew/equipment: After the rescues at the ferris wheel, when Dixie walks in while Brackett is examining the patient, the actor's black tape mark is visible on the floor, just as Morton and the nurse switch places.
An Ounce of Prevention - S6-E13
Visible crew/equipment: When Station 51 is dispatched to the man who's ill on the ferris wheel, just as Engine 51 rolls out of the apparatus bay, in the closeup we see the reflection of the array lighting and the reflector screen on the side of the engine.
Visible crew/equipment: At the skating rink, when the guys start walking on the ice and go to the two clowns, the outlines of the mic transmitters and wires are visible on Johnny's shirt, as well as on the back of the blonde skater's green outfit. Then, when the ambulance attendants are walking on the ice, the outline of the lead attendant's mic transmitter is visible on the front of his shirt.
Visible crew/equipment: At the gas station with the broken pump nozzle, when Roy and Johnny are tending to the woman with the cut on her head, the outlines of Roy's mic transmitter and wire are visible on the left side of his shirt, above his belt. Additionally, note that the office's left pane of glass has been removed to prevent the reflection of the camera facing it.
Visible crew/equipment: When squad 51 parks upon arrival at the gas station the array lighting is visible on the driver's door.
Visible crew/equipment: When Station 51 is on scene at the freeway accident, after the two girls are rescued from the wreck, when the explosion occurs Roy and John dive to the ground, and as the camera zooms out we can see the top of the location's array lighting unit, just past the engine's hose bed at the bottom left corner.
Visible crew/equipment: When Chet is trying unsuccessfully to get Henry to use the dog house, the outline of the mic transmitter is visible on Chet's back.
Answer: It is standard practice to wet down driveways so that they stand out in a long shot.