UFO (1970)

4 deliberate mistakes in season 1 - chronological order

(2 votes)

Identified - S1-E1

Deliberate mistake: While Sky One is flying above SHADAIR, Peter spots the UFO at 12 o'clock. He then tells SHADAIR they're the target. Peter's next two close-ups are flipped shots. Note his facial scars and helmet microphone. (00:32:35)

Super Grover

The Cat with Ten Lives - S1-E3

Deliberate mistake: When MoonBase Interceptor pilots put their helmets on before launch, the mics are on the left side of their helmets, but when they're space borne to intercept UFOs at least one pilot closeup is a flipped shot. Then, after Lake says, "They're wide open now, where are they," the interior closeup of a cockpit is also flipped; note "GYRO" is reversed. (00:02:25 - 00:04:55)

Super Grover

Conflict - S1-E4

Deliberate mistake: For reasons unknown and unexplainable, the otherwise spacious and well-equipped Moonbase has halls and doorways too short for the average human to fit through without ducking. (00:20:00)

Jean G

Timelash - S1-E18

Deliberate mistake: After Straker shoots Turner, he slumps over in his HS mini car and it goes around in circles. Then, the last shot of Turner is a flipped shot; note Turner's uniform patch and the car's backwards HS. (00:46:05)

Super Grover

Computer Affair - S1-E21

Revealing mistake: In the interior shots of Mobile 1's cockpit, we see that there's a crew of 3 and that the pilot is black. But in shots of the exterior (miniature model stock footage), there's only one occupant, a pilot, and it's a doll with distinctively Caucasian features. (00:26:30)

Jean G

More mistakes in UFO

Ed Straker: Hello, Miss Ealand. Hard at it?
Miss Ealand: I'm always "hard at it." Sometimes you notice.

More quotes from UFO

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