Plot hole: This episode showed that Beast was an original member of the X-Men and also depicted the original X-Men battling Magneto. However, when Magneto attempted to break Beast out of jail in the season 1 episode "Enter Magneto", Beast said to him "I don't believe we've met. Magneto I presume."
Plot hole: When Jubilee and Iceman are tied up, Jubilee has metal "mittens" over her hands that prevent her from using her powers to escape, but Iceman notes that they failed to learn about his powers and uses his ice powers to break free from his ropes. Iceman was in his ice form when X-Factor attacked him and Jubilee, and they also know that he previously attacked their compound, so they should have known that he had those abilities. (00:13:40)
Answer: It appears a number of factors led to its demise. It was originally intended to air for 65 episodes, but its popularity extended that. However, there were continual production quality problems, issues regarding whether the content was suitable enough for children, as well as financial considerations that finally led to it being ended.
raywest ★