Prison Break

Otis - S2-E2

Visible crew/equipment: When we get an extreme close up of Tweener at the payphone, pay attention to the metal section of the phone next to him. A camera man in white shorts is reflected walking into position for the shot. (00:10:10)


Buried - S2-E7

Visible crew/equipment: When we see the prison in Arizona, there is a shot from up high where something orange blows into shot for a couple of seconds at the top left of the screen. (00:13:50)


Wash - S2-E18

Visible crew/equipment: When Cooper Green is walking down the hallway in the museum, there is one shot where you can see his shadow on the (screen) left hand wall. There is a very quick shadow of a camera on the wall as well. (00:24:40)


Wash - S2-E18

Visible crew/equipment: When Mahone has been given the order to kill Franklin, there is a shot of the laptop in front of Franklin. In this shot, there's a reflection of someone moving. However only Franklin and Mahone are in the room and it's not them. (00:22:00)


Unearthed - S2-E9

Visible crew/equipment: When C-Note is making the stance about no guns, his friend in yellow says he's not going in without a gun. When he says this a boom shadow is visible on C-note's head and moves off it. (00:18:10)


Ogygia - S5-E1

Continuity mistake: On the tombstone in the previous episode, Michael's date of death is 11.4.2005. But in this episode, when Linc goes to the graveyard to visit Michael's grave, his date of death is 11.4.2010. It is also a different grave from the original, as the original was in South America beside the beach, and here we are led to believe it is in New York. (00:50:50)

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Scylla - S4-E1

Trivia: Spoiler. The Scylla alarm on the General's computer is visible on screen for a second or two. Below the flashing word 'alarm', it says it is in section AA-23. That's also the designation of the prison block where Princess Leia is being held in Star Wars.

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Answer: Roughly as follows. Linc "kills" Steadman in 2001. Michael robs the bank on March 9th 2005 and is sent to Fox River on April 11th. The breakout from Fox River takes place on or around May 25-31. Michael arrives in Sona on June 17th 2005. More details are here:


That wouldn't make sense because the original grave stone in series 4 has Michael's death date as 2005, which is supposed to be at least 3 years after Fox River.

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