My Name Is Earl

My Name Is Earl (2005)

0 revealing mistakes in season 2 - chronological order

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Number One - S1-E24

Continuity mistake: When Randy is scratching off the joke lottery ticket, the amount of scratched-off material left on the ticket changes between the three close-ups. One shot shows that the ticket was rubbed and not scratched (the area revealed has a haze to it).


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Inside Probe: Part 1 - S4-E25

Police officer: It's police policy not to waste resources looking for a missing person in the first 24 hours because they usually show up on their own, and after 24 hours, if they're still missing, it usually means they're dead and we don't look for them that hard then either.


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Show generally

Question: TV Tropes says there's an episode where multiple tornadoes come down on Earl's hometown, one after another - anybody know what that episode was?

Answer: Sounds like s04e11, "Nature's Game Show."


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