The Recluse in the Recliner - S9-E24
Plot hole: In the beginning of the episode Booth is brought in by ambulances because he was shot. The episode flashes back and follows back through the events leading up to that. At the end of the episode he is arrested and accused of murdering 3 FBI agents who were coming "to serve warrants." In actuality Delta Operatives had tried to kill Booth. If Booth had been picked up at the scene of the battle by paramedics, the medics would have seen the dead bodies of the operatives in their gear and been able to easily prove Booth didn't just murder 3 agents. Furthermore, the medics on the scene would not just ignore the destroyed house and dead bodies. They would have called local PD and Booth would again be off the hook. (00:01:00 - 00:46:00)
The Drama in the Queen - S9-E23
Plot hole: The bullet that killed the victim had plastic associated with the wound. This was explained by the fact that the bullet that killed the victim hit a lane divider as it entered the water, but at the end of the episode it was discovered that the bullet was fired from under the water, negating the possibility of it hitting a lane divider at the surface.
Chosen answer: Pickering states the name "Juan Guzman" and during the run of the show we are never told who he is, or why Brennan had been in Cuba and met with this Juan Guzman. We don't know if there is any kind of "relationship" between Brennan and Guzman. A bit frustrating, but I like how this short scene shuts down Agent Pickering's entire review, and it hints at Brennan's career history and her level of security clearance.
Super Grover ★
Thanks for the clarification. It's been a while since I watched the series start to finish. It also adds to show how much power Brennan actually has.
Ssiscool ★
Do you remember when Bones was telling Angela about the time she was on one of her out of the country trips, and she was thrown in a dark cell for what she later found out was 3 days? She was crying and looked terrified as she remembered this. She had that same look as someone who was remembering past trauma when Pickering said this name. I kind of always thought that "Juan Guzman" was the one who did that.