Brian: Do you get Sesame Street where you live?
ALF: No, and frankly I don't get it here either.
Willie: I'm gonna have my hamburger medium.
ALF: Medium? They are all the same size. Extra large.
ALF: Willie. If a window was broken in the woods, but there was no-one there to hear it, would it really be broken?
Willie: If you were in the woods.
Willie: I never meant to bring Jimbo over.
ALF: You brought an elephant home to dinner?
Willie: I said Jimbo, not Jumbo.
ALF: Putting humans in charge of the earth, is the cosmic equivalence of letting Eddie Murphy direct.
Trevor Ochmonek: Hey, Willie! Could we borrow some of your tools?
Willie: Sure. They're in your garage.
Lynn: You have a cousin named Blinky?
ALF: Well, we call him that because he likes to eat lightbulbs.
ALF: Who said I'm gonna walk? I'm gonna drive my new Mercedes. What do you say? Burgundy with the tan interior.
Brian: You'll have to chew with your mouth closed tonight, ALF.
ALF: All right, but on my planet, that's considered very rude. People think you're hiding something.
ALF: Are you gonna throw a hissy fit every time I squander a couple thousand dollars?
Answer: Regarding the "how", zucchini is an easy-to-grow vegetable that proliferates quickly, almost like a weed. My mother and our neighbours used to grow it, resulting in an over-abundance that was sometimes difficult to give away.
raywest ★