ALF: On Melmac, we have 1st class, 2nd class and ham.
Kate: Where's Lizard taking you?
Lynn: To a science fiction movie. Something about this guy being shrunk and then injected into someone else.
ALF: That's not science fiction. A friend of mine did that once. He took a wrong turn and got stuck in a guy's nose.
Jake Ochmonek: Laura's very curious about her secret admirer, so I was thinking like actually saying something to her.
ALF: Danger, Will Robinson.
ALF: Like my old skeelball coach used to say: "Find something you're not good at, and then don't do it."
ALF: I hate musicals. Out of the blue people burst into songs.
Willie: Hence the term "musical."
ALF: Yeah, but wouldn't it get on your nerves if all of a sudden I started singing : "Hey, Kate, ain't it great? Hey, Willie, you look silly. Hey -"
Willie: It's getting on my nerves.
ALF: So what musical are you going to go see today?
Willie: "Cats."
ALF: Take me, please! Then afterwards, we can go backstage and eat the actors.
ALF: Raining cats? You open the skylight and I'll get the relish.
ALF: How can I read with all this quiet?
ALF: If you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you, it's yours. If it's run over by a car, you don't want it.
ALF: Melmac was the name of my planet. It's also what it was made out of.
Kate: ALF, you can use the portable TV in the bedroom.
ALF: But it's too small. It makes everyone look like Danny DeVito.
Dorothy: You don't have to make rude noises.
ALF: That's okay. I don't mind.
Willie: Stay away from the window, we've got a very nosy neighbor - Mrs. Ochmonek.
ALF: Ochmonek? Sounds like a typo.
Willie: Well, ALF, while we're gone, I trust you won't be getting into any mischief.
ALF: You do?
Willie: Not really, but we gotta go.
ALF: Once we add sound, color and stick Eddie Murphy in there somewhere, it'll be a smash.
Jake Ochmonek: Why do we have to wear meat at this ceremony anyway?
ALF: 'Cause the high priest on Melmac was also the butcher.
Willie: There's more than one way to skin a cat.
ALF: You've been looking at my recipe book.
Answer: Mr Tanner actually asks Alf, "Why are you carrying our towels through the den?" The streaming subtitles are wrong when it substitutes "damp" for "den" twice. It's possible the error originated from the VHS or DVD, which occurs often.
Super Grover ★
Yes, I was re-watching episodes, and I heard "den" the next time. Thank you for answering, though.