
Batman (1966)

396 mistakes

(8 votes)

Hi Diddle Riddle (1) - S1-E1

Other mistake: The photo of Riddler's arrest shown in the news has the same angle as what we saw, which is the polar opposite side of the corridor Riddler's hired photographers came from. (00:10:10 - 00:12:10)


The Joker's Hard Times (2) - S2-E38

Continuity mistake: When the Joker directs Gordon and O'Hara to look at the statue of Justice, they look at it from a front view. But when Joker comes out of the Police building where he left them frozen, it's from behind the statue, rather than in front.

Movie Nut

The Ring of Wax (1) - S1-E23

Factual error: When Bruce, Dick, and Aunt Harriet are looking at the globe, Bruce corrects Dick's mistake about Lima being the capitol of Ecuador and says "No, as you can see, I was right. It's the capitol of Peru." and points to the globe to show him. Based on the position of Europe facing the camera, he's actually pointing to somewhere in northern Canada. (00:02:35)

Captain Defenestrator

Pop Goes the Joker (1) - S2-E57

Other mistake: Not only can Caesar Romero's moustache can be seen, but the line between the white makeup and his skin on his neck. Also, when Robin's face came out of the clay, his mask was almost around his mouth. A moment later, the mask is back in place. Later, his face, mask, and body is spotless.

Movie Nut

The Catwoman: You dismal bird! You and your submarine, Where has it got us now?
The Penguin: Shut up, you feline floozy.

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Batman trivia picture

Trivia: The 1966 T.V. Batmobile was created from a decade-old "concept show car" designed and built in 1955 by Ford's Lincoln Division. It was called the Lincoln Futura, and was originally a pearlescent pale green. After several years on the car show rounds (and an appearance in one movie, repainted red), it was sold for $1 to George Barris who stored it outdoors for 6 years. When FOX called looking for Barris to build a car for the show, they gave him 3 weeks, so he grabbed this already-weird looking car he had out back, sketched a few changes and passed the physical work to Bill Cushenberry. It was finished on time and the rest is history.


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Answer: There were three well-known actors who played Mr. Freeze, each one a different height, weight, and physique. As these were notable guest stars, the costume designers would adapt the costume to best fit each actor who likely would want to avoid comparisons to the other Mr. Freezes, incorporate their preferences, as well as refresh the look, rework whatever didn't work in previous versions, and so on.


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