Black Books

Black Books (2000)

1 continuity mistake in season 1

(2 votes)

The Grapes of Wrath - S1-E3

Continuity mistake: At the very beginning of the episode, the subtitle says, 'Bordeaux, 1900', pertaining to the origin of the grapes which would make 'a wine fit for the Holy Father himself'. When Manny picks up said bottle later in the episode, the label says, 'Appellation Bourgogne Controlée', which means the wine was made in Burgundy, and not Bordeaux.

Manny Come Home - S3-E1

Continuity mistake: When Fran arrives at the store, in the shot from outside you see a pile of unopened mail on the mat just outside the door. However as Fran opens the door and walks into the shop, the pile of mail has disappeared.

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Chalkboard: Can't.

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Question: Is there an episode where Bernard can't think of the word for a scanner or card reader or something and refers to it as a "beepitibeep"? Might have the wrong show entirely.

Jon Sandys Premium member

Chosen answer: You may be thinking of S3E1, "Manny Come Home", when Manny quits and gets a job at Goliath Books next door. The device they use to scan books, look up items, or even order muffins is referred to as the "Doo-Deedee-Doo," after the sound it makes when employees scan their cards in it.

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