
Dead Man Sliding - S3-E10

Stupidity: And the end, after sliding to another world, the group is caught on film by someone in her house. Quinn goes (illegally) into the home to get the tape. There is no point to this. Throughout the series, many people have seen them arrive, or leave, and usually when there's a mix up with one of their doubles, they spend so much time trying to convince people they are in fact from another world but can't prove it. Quinn doesn't even bother to see how long they're going to be on that world first.


Slither - S3-E22

Stupidity: Throughout the series, people in the group always say they need to stick together and only separate if absolutely necessary. Here, Quinn and Rembrandt take a vacation pretty far away from Wade and Maggie (they had to fly to their destination). And they do so knowing they have no way to directly communicate with the others (i.e. cell phones) in case something goes wrong, which it does. They get bumped from their flight, but it might have been easier to get Wade and Maggie to fly to them.


As Time Goes By - S2-E13

Other mistake: The Sliders discover the reverse-time issue when they notice that the clock on the wall is backward. However, in other shots, clocks look normal. Look carefully at the clocks on the judge's desk as the camera pans by.

Matty Blast

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Just Say Yes - S4-E7

Agent Lowell: That's Mallory all right. Busted twice for non-possession. Jumped bail a year ago and ran off to Mexico.
Damon: I heard he died of an under-dose.
Agent Lowell: Same here. I guess we were wrong, huh? It's a safe bet Mallory snuck back into the country to spread more of his anti-drug propaganda. A guy like that shouldn't be on the street.


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Suggested correction: The homeless man (Crazy Kenny) was played by Frank C. Turner, not Andy Tennant.

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Oh Brother, Where Art Thou? - S4-E6

Question: In the beginning credits of movies/t.v. shows, when they say "and introducing" followed by the actor's name, it is because it is the 1st acting role for that actor. In this episode when the introduced Quinn's brother, the beginning credits say "and introducing Charlie O'Connell." However he has done other acting roles before he appeared on Sliders. As a matter of fact, he did 2 episodes on Sliders as a different character before he became Quinn's brother. So is there a reason why the actor was "introduced" in this episode?


Chosen answer: Quinn's brother was going to be a recurring character, so "introduced" in this case referred to the actor becoming a semi-regular.

Jean G

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