
Mr. Monk and the Garbage Strike - S5-E2

Question: Why would it have been political suicide if it was discovered that Mayor Nicholson was secretly meeting with Cusack to end the garbage strike? If anything, if the people found out that they were meeting to find a way to end the garbage strike, wouldn't that have made everybody happy considering how much garbage was piling up all over the city?

Answer: The two men are trying to work out a secret deal between them without involving the union, which means the workers' interests aren't being represented and defeats the whole purpose of a union. The mayor would lose labor's support and Cusack's union troubles would just be starting.

Captain Defenestrator

Mr. Monk and the Class Reunion - S5-E6

Question: In this episode, Monk discovers that Kyle intends to murder his wife Dianne and then make it look like suicide. Why would he do that? I've watched the whole episode and still can't figure out the reason.

Answer: You can hear Kyle talk to his "mistress" on the phone when he is at the ice cooler in the hotel, thereby making it clear he has an "extramarital" affair, thereby outing his motive to get rid of the wife who brought the money into the her life insurance, supposedly.

Answer: When Dianne was in college, she had attempted to commit suicide and even wrote a suicide note. Dianne saved the note this whole time and Kyle had found it. If Kyle killed Dianne and made it look like a suicide, the suicide note would be authentic (rather than having to try and forge a suicide note that could be proven to be fake). This is why Kyle arranged for specific activities to occur that seemed odd to Monk, the dog having the same name, the missed pass that broke the glass, etc. These were all mentioned in the original suicide note.


How did Mr Monk know about the suicide note?

Because Dianne told them about it, Stottlemeyer went to talk to her when he found out she sent a wreath for Kathrine (the woman killed at the beginning), and Monk was there at that time. Dianne said Kathrine saved her life when she was depressed in college, and she had even written a suicide note.


Answer: It speaks for your character that you cannot relate to his reasons. But he wants her dead, because he is having an affair and since all their money is coming from her father and his high paying job is also not his gain but another grant of her father he would very likely loose everything if he divorced her for another woman. And as the other answer mentions already he sees his opportunity to get away with it by re-enacting the circumstances as described in her 25-year old suicide note.

Prince Eitel Joe

Answer: He was close to his uncle (he mentioned working with his uncle every summer when he was a boy), but the main events of the show happen over a month after the uncle's death.

Brian Katcher

Chosen answer: I got the impression that he really hadn't known this particular uncle very well.

Jean G

Mr. Monk and the Leper - S5-E10

Question: At the end, when the doctor is pulling Monk up, the camera pans down well past Monk's feet, but was there a reason for that? Was there something on the cliff side the audience was supposed to see? It felt like the camera was about to linger on the weeds growing out, but then the camera angle cuts back to Monk's feet. Was there something I missed, or was it just bad/odd camera work?


Answer: From an editing background, I think it was likely to cover up the shot once Monk is being pulled up. The shot was panning down, and they likely extended the shot in the editing. The fact he was pulling up Monk with one hand is very tough to do, so they may not have had a clean shot of him pulling Adrian onto the ground. Additionally, it may have not looked right so cutting to the shot panning for a couple more seconds before showing Monks shoes would likely fit the time it would take to pull him all the way up.


Chosen answer: It was Julie's laptop, and when Monk plugged it into the SWAT team's system, Julie's friend's address (where the teen girls were having a slumber party) popped up and fooled the cops into thinking that it was the perp's house. Highly unlikely, true, but the SWAT guys storming into a house full of squealing teenage girls in pink nighties did make for a very funny scene.

Jean G

Answer: Julies Laptop was using the SFPD's Internet to receive mails from that girls house i.e. the girl throwing the party. So, the FBI thought that the girls house was the perp's house because of the connection from Julie's laptop to the girl's house.

Chosen answer: Currently there is still no release date as of yet but my guess would be early 2008 it will likely be released in Australia.


Mr. Monk, Private Eye - S5-E5

Question: When Jay is about to shoot Monk on the boat, the boat dips in the water (almost the way a car would dip when hitting a pothole). What would cause this? It almost looks like it was done deliberately by a stunt driver. And if it's from hitting a wave or wake, I would think the boat would bounce up first.


Answer: The dip was the bounce.

Mr. Monk Goes to Jail - S2-E16

Factual error: Death row prisoners cannot donate organs. No doctor participates in an execution and after the lethal injection the medical examiner must wait at least fifteen minutes to test for cardiac activity before pronouncing the prisoner dead. This is enough time for hypoxia to render the heart, lungs and kidneys useless for transplant. Apart from this, organs intended for transplant must be removed within minutes of the death of the donor. Prisoners are not executed in operating theatres.

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Adrian Monk: I don't know how he did it. But he did it.

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