
MacGyver (1985)

2 mistakes in The Enemy Within

(5 votes)

The Enemy Within - S1-E15

Character mistake: At the border crossing during the car chase there is a mistyped sign below the window reading "Bunesrepublik Deutschland". it should be "Bundesrepublik Deutschland" (00:07:45)

The Enemy Within - S1-E15

Factual error: MacGyver and Victoria go back to the location of the science event to think about the incident. MacGyver's friend, Bannister, suffers from a heart attack. MacGyver cuts a microphone cable and binds the cords to a metallic candlestick. MacGyver uses his creation as a some sort of defibrillator. Of course it works and MacGyver saves his friend. The maximum power in the wire is 11-48v DC with the maximum current of 10MA - not enough for giving huge electric shocks.

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Answer: Late one night, Geoffrey used a covert listening device to overhear David explaining his barricade device to Janet which is how he figured it out.

How do we know Geoffrey really did use a covert listening device? They didn't mention him using one.

There was a scene of him using it when David told Janet about his barricade.

Answer: There was a scene of him going to his room and as soon as David and Janet went into David's room, Geoffrey took the listening device out of hiding and pointed it at David's door enabling him to hear everything.

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