Dr. Rodney McKay: You have no idea which way to go, do you?
Maj. John Sheppard: Just trying to get my bearings.
Dr. Rodney McKay: Translation: "I'm lost. "
Maj. John Sheppard: "You're going to be fine"?"Beckett'll figure this out"? You really suck at the whole "bedside manner" thing.
Elizabeth Weir, Ph. D.: I know. I'm sorry.
Maj. John Sheppard: But I appreciate the effort.
Maj. Lorne: I was hoping Lt. Ford would recognize a friendly face and turn himself in.
Dr. Rodney McKay: You mean me?
Maj. Lorne: Well, you were friends, weren't you?
Dr. Rodney McKay: Oh yeah, when we weren't out on harrowing missions, we used to hang out together. I'd share my dreams of self-sustaining fusion, he would talk about how you could sever a man's torso with a P-90.
Teyla Emmagan: Do you kill all your violent criminals on Earth?
Dr. Rodney McKay: Certain countries, yes.
Maj. John Sheppard: Do we need to get into this right now?
Dr. Rodney McKay: I'm not sure I can fix this.
Dr. Peter Grodin: You can fix anything.
Dr. Rodney McKay: Who told you that?
Dr. Peter Grodin: You did. On several occasions.
Dr. Rodney McKay: I'm sorry. It's just... I react to certain doom in a certain way. It's a bad habit.
Eldon: The technology on this ship is far more advanced than the Olesians'.
Dr. Rodney McKay: How ironic, then, to have been shot down by the cast of "Braveheart."
Elizabeth Weir, Ph. D.: Carson?
Carson Beckett M. D.: Elizabeth.
Elizabeth Weir, Ph. D.: How are you doing?
Carson Beckett M. D.: Oh, just peachy, thanks. You?
Elizabeth Weir, Ph. D.: I'm sorry to put you in this position, but you're the only one besides Colonel Sheppard and General O'Neill who've actually fired a drone from that chair.
Carson Beckett M. D.: Ironically, they're the two people I nearly killed when I did that.
Dr. Rodney McKay: Well, thank God! You were the only... I thought I was gonna.
Teyla Emmagan: I thought you were very brave.
Dr. Rodney McKay: Really?
Elizabeth Weir, Ph. D.: You were right.
Carson Beckett M. D.: Lovely... About what?
Elizabeth Weir, Ph. D.: Your theory of the Wraith evolving after the Ancients arrived in the Pegasus Galaxy.
Dr. Rodney McKay: You've got to be kidding me.
Dr. Zelenka: Pay up.
Maj. John Sheppard: You know, Rodney, you were great back there. Wanna take the stick?
Dr. Rodney McKay: Really?
Maj. John Sheppard: No.
Commander Acastus Kolya: My name is Commander Kolya.
Maj. John Sheppard: "Kolya", that's a difficult name to pronounce. Is that a first name or a last name?
Maj. John Sheppard: Well, leave it to convicts to know the best way to tie people up.
Marin: The island is a penal colony. The prisoners usually don't cause much trouble, as long as you don't try to land there.
Dr. Rodney McKay: Well, you could put up a sign.
Maj. John Sheppard: Hi, folks. I hope I didn't crash-land on anybody.
Answer: Because even all 4 Naquadah generators (one was destroyed) together is only enough to dial Earth for approximately 1.2 seconds (As seen in the episode "Letter from Pegasus"). Further, if Earth had found a ZPM, they would dial Atlantis and let them know. After all, the SGC has no other use for a ZPM than to dial Atlantis.
Grumpy Scot