Corrected entry: After returning from Atlantis base Dr. McKay says he landed the jumper a little outside of the range of the EM-field. At the end of the show, when the field is reactivated, he says he found a way to increased the range of the device by some 50 percent. As the jumper has been landed outside of the area previously covered by the field, he should now be inside it again, however the jumper still is able to start (you can hear the engines coming on-line).
Corrected entry: Elizabeth Weir's necklace is a "T", which matches the actress, Torri Higginson, not the character.
Correction: It is not an error if a character is wearing a necklace that does not match the character's own initials. There are many plausible reasons to wear such a neclace, such as the neclace belonged to someone she loved or missed.
Corrected entry: Dr. Weir says that the Atlantis gate is the only one that can dial back to the Milky Way from Pegasus galaxy. SG-1 has already confirmed that any stargate can travel intergalactically if it has the power. That's what the 8th chevron does. You need a Naquadah generator or Zero Point Module to provide the extra power though.
Correction: This is answered in episode #108, all the Pegasus Stargates are missing a crystal except for the Atlantis gate, this crystal allows it to dial to other galaxies.
Corrected entry: The wraith grabs a loaded gun from a box from the jumper and fires it but nobody would ever keep a box full of loaded guns.
Correction: Why would you say that? While it's not a good idea to store a gun in a loaded condition, people accidently shoot themselves almost everyday with "unloaded" guns.
Correction: There is nothing to suggest the EM field is spherical with the generator at the center. McKay could have enlarged it in a triangular shape with the kids village at one point, leaving the jumper safely outside it.
Grumpy Scot