Visible crew/equipment: While Lucy and Ethel are at their charm school, when they're standing in front of Miss Emerson's desk, in the widehots a small tape mark is visible on the floor in front of Lucy's feet. Then, when Lucy and Ethel are in sweatpants there are two small tape marks on the floor, and when Ethel walks to the other side of the room to join Lucy, there's another tape mark which Vivian even looks down at to confirm her foot's position.

Visible crew/equipment: During the scenes at the small diner when it's open for business, such as when Marco walks in, there are two small chalk T-marks on the floor in the area near the door. The T-marks are also visible when Ethel and Fred walk back inside. (00:12:35)

Bonus Bucks - S3-E20
Visible crew/equipment: After Ricky sneaks the dollar bill into Lucy's purse he sees her stirring in bed, and when Ricky ducks down to hide from Lucy, the two curved chalk actor's marks are visible on the carpet. (00:07:15)

Visible crew/equipment: After Lucy and Mr. Beecher sign the lease, just as they all start heading toward the door, the taped T-mark is visible at the bottom of the screen at the edge of the carpet (presumably for the second camera dolly offscreen at the left). Then as Mrs. Hammond walks out, a bit of overhead set equipment can be seen at the top right side of the screen. (00:12:45)
Sentimental Anniversary - S3-E15
Visible crew/equipment: When Lucy puts all the golf clubs in the bag and takes a practice swing, three tape marks are visible on the carpet near Lucy's feet and the golf bag.

Visible crew/equipment: While Ethel and Lucy are trying to frighten Mr. Beecher so he'll leave the apartment, when Lucy blows up the balloon the reflections of all the overhead set lights are visible on the balloon. (00:23:00)

Visible crew/equipment: During the scenes in the living room after wig-wearing Lucy comes home in a huff about Ricky, an actor's mark is visible on the carpet at the fireplace, and there's a T-mark on the carpet between the couch and desk.
Visible crew/equipment: When Lucy and Bert (Roberta) walk into the back of the salon, there are a few chalk marks on the floor to the right of the styling chair, and a few moments later that's where both Doug and Bert stand when Doug doesn't recognizes Lucy at first. (00:03:40)

Visible crew/equipment: When Lucy tells Ricky, Fred, and Ethel that she made a carbon copy of the novel they just burned in the fireplace, the actors' tape marks are visible on the carpet when Lucy says, "Pardon me," in the wideshot. Then later, when Ricky, Fred, and Ethel walk in while Lucy's typing up her sequel, they stand at tape marks again. (00:11:05)

Visible crew/equipment: While Lucy starts taking notes about Ethel, Fred walks in and soon asks, "What's going on this booby hatch," then just as Lucy rushes back to the desk, we can see the end of the set wall and there's some kind of partition in front of the kitchen set. (00:02:35)
Ricky's Hawaiian Vacation - S3-E21
Visible crew/equipment: When Lucy rushes into Fred and Ethel's apartment to tell them that Freddie Fillmore had called, the actors' tape marks are visible on the floor. (00:12:40)
Fan Magazine Interview - S3-E16
Visible crew/equipment: When Lucy tells Ethel of her suspicions about Ricky she grabs Minnie Finch's card out of Ethel's hand, and just as Lucy stands up the camera tilts upward, and we can see part of the top of the set where set lighting is located. (00:19:35)
Visible crew/equipment: During the living room scenes throughout the episode, various tape marks are visible on the carpet near the couch and desk, where different actors stand.
Visible crew/equipment: When Lucy, Ethel, Ricky, and Fred are in the living room having coffee, the actors' tape marks are visible on the carpet around the coffee table.
Redecorating the Mertzes' Apartment - S3-E7
Visible crew/equipment: At the end, when Lucy shows Ethel the brand new furniture in the apartment, note the actor's tape mark on the carpet between the couch and coffee table, where Lucy sits down. Fun to note: just as Ethel says "Everything turned out just wonderful, everything except," we can see one of the flying feathers from the earlier scene at the Mertz's apartment. The Mertz set was located right beside the Ricardo set. (00:24:25)
Visible crew/equipment: When Lucy and Ethel are at Caroline Appleby's apartment, a few actors' tape marks are visible on the carpet near the couch and side table, where characters will stand at different times during the scene. (00:06:00)
Ricky's Old Girlfriend - S3-E11
Visible crew/equipment: In Lucy's dream, when Carlota Romero and Lucy are dancing, the camera pulls out too far and where the set carpet ends and the studio floor begins can be seen.
Answer: According to, there is no definitive answer, but the mid-1960s is the most verifiable date with "The Munsters" being cited as the first, although others claim "The Brady Bunch" showed the first couple seen in a double bed. An early TV show from the late 1940s titled, "Mary Kay and Johnny" is also thought to have shown the married couple's bedroom as having a double bed, although probably not with them in it. However, this was when TV was aired live, and there are no surviving episodes, only anecdotal accounts.
raywest ★
Something that is funny is that in the movie "A Christmas Story," they show the parents having two twin beds in their bedroom. In a real situation, they should have shown them having a double bed. Lucy and Ricky had twin beds pushed together in an early episode, which would have been pushing television boundaries in that time.