Hey Arnold!
Hey Arnold! mistake picture

Operation Ruthless/The Vacant Lot - S1-E7

Revealing mistake: Operation Ruthless: When Helga and Phoebe are chasing Ruth in the bumper car, when Ruth's car stops and Helga looks back at her, Helga's right lower leg is incorrectly layered over the bumper car seat, and Phoebe's legs are colored black. (00:08:11)


Operation Ruthless/The Vacant Lot - S1-E7

Continuity mistake: Operation Ruthless: When Helga and Phoebe's bumper car flies into the air and lands on the hot dog truck, as the people start to run away, watch for one person that disappears from the shot, then reappears, and his shirt changes from green to orange. (00:08:36)


Abner Come Home / The Sewer King - S1-E16

Continuity mistake: Abner Comes Home: When Abner comes back to the boarding house at the end, Arnold starts running towards him, and there is no mud puddle. In the next few shots, a mud puddle suddenly appears for both of them to fall into and roll in. Then in the next wide shot, the mud puddle disappears, and in the last two shots of the episode, it returns once again. (00:11:09 - 00:11:48)


Magic Show / 24 Hours to Live - S1-E18

Audio problem: Magic Show: During Arnold's magic show, the kids start chanting, "Make Helga disappear!" When Helga says, "Alright you bunch of clods," they stop, but their voices can still briefly be heard. (00:03:28)


Hey Arnold! mistake picture

Olga Comes Home / Sally's Comet - S1-E15

Continuity mistake: In Sally's Comet when Gerald, Arnold, and Grandpa are in the traffic jam on the way to Hawk Mountain the position and type of cars around them change. When we first see the car there is a truck there and no room for them to turn around. When they do turn around then there is room and the truck is gone.


Door #16 / Arnold as Cupid - S1-E10

Other mistake: Arnold as Cupid: When Oskar gives Arnold breakfast, besides the fact that the objects move from the left side of the tray to the right between shots, look at the glass of orange juice as Oskar lowers the tray to Arnold. Despite Oskar never rotating the tray around, the glass of orange juice glides itself over to the top left corner of the tray. Very weird. (00:14:34)


The Aptitude Test / Oskar Gets a Job - S3-E9

Arnold: Look, you wanted me to help you get a job, and I did.
Oskar: Yeah, you did. Good for you. [To Grandma] I'll be right back, my beautiful Fatima!
Arnold: Your first day on the job, you said you had the stomach flu, and today, you said you had a bad back.
Oskar: What's your point?
Arnold: My point is, are you going to have another excuse tomorrow, or are you going to do your own job instead of making me do it for you?
Oskar: Arnold, of course I'm going to do my job, don't worry.
Arnold: Good.
Oskar: But I can't tomorrow, it's a national holiday from my old country, I forgot to tell you.
Arnold: That's it! I'm tired of all your excuses!
Oskar: Arnold, you seem a little cranky, maybe you should take a nap.
Arnold: Look, I only helped you because you said you were desperate. You said you wanted to change. I guess I was wrong. Mr. Kokoshka, I'm sorry, but you are a huge loser!


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Answer: No, he did not. He is seen getting off the bus with a suitcase, so he must have not been home for a few days so there is no way he could have known.


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