Operation Ruthless/The Vacant Lot - S1-E7
Audio problem: Operation Ruthless: When Arnold first starts repeating "Hi Ruth," the shot cuts to Gerald as he says, "Stay cool, Arnold." Arnold can still briefly be heard saying his line, but his mouth doesn't move. (00:03:42)
Operation Ruthless/The Vacant Lot - S1-E7
Continuity mistake: Operation Ruthless: When the Cheese Festival is first shown, Arnold and Gerald are standing at the bumper car ride, but in the next shot, they are suddenly standing in a different location, which seems to be at the green building from the beginning of the episode. (00:03:12)
Love and Cheese / Weighing Harold - S4-E7
Continuity mistake: Love and Cheese: When the sign for the Built-To-Hurl is first shown, it is spelled with a hyphen between "To" and "Hurl." When the sign is shown again, that hyphen is missing, then reappears a moment later. (00:07:19)
Abner Come Home / The Sewer King - S1-E16
Continuity mistake: Abner Comes Home: Some of the objects and other things in the Sunset Arms backyard disappear, reappear, change, or move around in various shots. (00:11:27)
Save The Tree / New Teacher - S2-E1
Audio problem: Save the Tree: At the end, when Bob says, "Yeah, I'll just build my beeper emporium in that vacant lot down on Vine Street," his mouth doesn't move until the word "build." Arnold's mouth also doesn't move when he says, "Huh?" (00:11:27)
Sid's Revenge / Roller Coaster - S3-E8
Other mistake: Sid's Revenge: When Sid is telling the police officer that he killed his school principal, Arnold's pants are the same colour as his skin, and his hat is not coloured in. (00:09:13)
Other mistake: Ms. Perfect: When the girls sabotage Lila's lunch, as Helga pours out Lila's milk from her thermos, the milk crosses an invisible line and disappears. (00:16:56)
Curly Snaps / Pre-Teen Scream - S3-E6
Audio problem: Curly Snaps: At the start, Curly talks to Arnold about how good it is to be ball monitor. When Arnold says, "Well, I never thought of it that way," his mouth stops moving after the word "it." (00:01:25)
Curly Snaps / Pre-Teen Scream - S3-E6
Continuity mistake: Pre-Teen Scream: When Phoebe shows up at Helga's house to pick her up for the concert, Phoebe is wearing a red outfit with a red scrunchie in her hair. Thereafter, for the rest of the episode, her red scrunchie changes to her normal yellow one in some shots. (00:15:46)
Curly Snaps / Pre-Teen Scream - S3-E6
Audio problem: Pre-Teen Scream: When Phoebe turns on her CD player and reveals her Ronnie Matthews posters in her room, she says, "Now to compose the winning contest entry," but her mouth isn't moving at all. (00:13:00)
Curly Snaps / Pre-Teen Scream - S3-E6
Other mistake: Pre-Teen Scream: When the kids are sitting on Arnold's stoop in the beginning, there are two shots where Arnold's pants are the same colour as his skin, giving the sense that he has no pants on. (00:12:03)
Downtown as Fruits / Eugene's Bike - S1-E1
Continuity mistake: Downtown as Fruits: After Arnold and Gerald arrive at the school, it cuts to Helga crying about her play being ruined. When Phoebe taps her, her left arm is coming from the side of her cheese costume, but when the angle changes, it's coming from the front of her costume. (00:10:43)
Continuity mistake: Ms. Perfect: When Lila goes to Patty's locker, the books she is holding constantly change. First, she is holding two books, then three, then the red book is suddenly on top, then the red book disappears and the rectangle on the brown book changes to white, then it goes back to yellow and the blue book gets replaced by the red one, and finally, the blue book reappears (she is also suddenly not holding the locker handle, and the way she holds the books changes). (00:15:48)
Continuity mistake: Ms. Perfect: When Patty opens her locker and the jello falls on her, her head is raised above the floor, and there is no jello on her head. In the next shot, her head is on the floor, and there is jello on her head. (00:16:24)
Audio problem: Ms Perfect: When Lila says, "Whatever you do, don't smell that cow," the boys are heard laughing, but only Stinky is shown laughing. (00:15:14)
Love and Cheese / Weighing Harold - S4-E7
Continuity mistake: Love and Cheese: At the end, Arnold says to Lila that he will walk her home. In the next shot, a janitor suddenly appears behind them. (00:11:40)
Love and Cheese / Weighing Harold - S4-E7
Other mistake: Love and Cheese: At the end, when Arnold says to Lila that he will walk her home, they both start walking to the right, then Lila vanishes while on screen. She never leaves the frame. (00:11:42)
Monkeyman! / Buses, Bikes and Subways - S5-E1
Continuity mistake: Buses, Bikes, and Subways: Helga wears a watch on her right arm throughout the episode. However, when Helga approaches Sheena's uncle Earl and wakes him up, her watch is missing, then reappears when Earl's boat sinks. It disappears again when Helga comes up from the water, then reappears a moment later. (00:18:59)
Helga's Masquerade / Mr. Green Runs - S5-E2
Audio problem: Helga's Masquerade: When Helga and Lila are at Slausen's Ice Cream, as Helga tells Lila, "About the way you're always going around acting so nice to people," her mouth stays closed until the word "acting." (00:03:21)
Helga's Masquerade / Mr. Green Runs - S5-E2
Continuity mistake: Helga's Masquerade: When Helga and Lila are at Slausen's Ice Cream, after Helga asks Lila how she can learn to act so nice to people, she grabs her milkshake with her left hand. A shot later, she is now holding it with her right hand, and a spoon appears in her left hand. (00:03:30)
Answer: No, he did not. He is seen getting off the bus with a suitcase, so he must have not been home for a few days so there is no way he could have known.
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