Law & Order

Acid - S16-E10

Continuity mistake: When Lt. Van Buren and the victims mother are talking in the kitchen, the cabinet behind Van Buren changes from opened to closed several times.


America, Inc. - S16-E17

Continuity mistake: The detectives determine that the victim's cell phone was found in a trash can near the entrance of the Lincoln Tunnel. Later, when they are interrogating a suspect Detective Greene tells him "You tossed the victim's cell phone at the entrance to the Midtown Tunnel."


Show generally

Factual error: Detective Nina Cassady (who was introduced towards the end of Season 17) frequently wears casual tops that show far too much cleavage for a police officer on duty. If she showed up for duty dressed like that she would be sent home to change.

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Det. Lennie Briscoe: Even though you are a taxpayer, you know, we don't actually work for you personally.

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Absentia - S13-E13

Question: In one of the court scenes it states the date as the 26th of December. Upon a bit of searching it doesn't seem to fall as a holiday in the New York Supreme Court holidays calendar. While the day is generally observed as a holiday in many countries I am not sure about whether it is observed in any states of the United States?


Chosen answer: December 25 is observed and some places close on the 24 (or just close early). The 26th is a normal work day.


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