As Old as the Hills (1) - S3-E25
Corrected entry: When Hank and Peggy are in the truck, Peggy says that they can't travel until Ladybird dies and Bobby moves out, but in the episode "Three Days of the Kahndo" (season two), Hank mentioned that nothing is tying them to the house now that they have automatic sprinklers.
Pretty, Pretty Dresses - S3-E9
Corrected entry: In this episode Hank professes that when he set the Arlen High single season rushing record he needed blockers and Bill Dauterive blocked for him, however in many episodes before and after they proclaim Bill "the bulldozer" Dauterive to be Arlen Highs rushing record.
Correction: Bill was never Arlen's rushing record holder, he held Arlen's single season touchdown record. This was explained in the episode "Bills are Made to be Broken" that he held the touchdown record. It was also unlikely he would have held the record in any case, as he was a defensive linesman not a running back like Hank.
Death of a Propane Salesman (2) - S3-E1
Corrected entry: When Hank and Luanne come out of the store after the explosion, they are right beside each other, yet only Luanne lost her hair.
Correction: This was a conclusion of the previous season's cliffhanger. Hank was on the other side of the store when he smelled the propane, and Buckley and Luanne were closer to the blast. He found her after the explosion, thus her hair was burned but his was not.
Death of a Propane Salesman (2) - S3-E1
Corrected entry: Luanne's hair was blown off in the fire, yet she has no burns on her shoulders, around her neck, or anywhere on her arms.
Correction: Hair burns at a lot lower temperature than skin, so it is possible the heat blast was enough to singe the hair away but not enough to damage the skin. We also see when Luanne gets away from the mall, Hank used a fire blanket to cover her. So it could be concluded that he was able to cover enough of her not to get burned but couldn't save her hair.
Corrected entry: In the episode with Santa Ana's wooden leg. After Dale has made Cotton the fake driver's license, he holds it up and you can already see part of the word "Cheerios", showing that Dale used a cereal box to make it. Cotton would obviously notice when he took the license.
A Fire Fighting We Will Go - S3-E10
Corrected entry: When Bill is telling his version of what happened at the station, and he mentions Dale switching the names on the oxygen tanks, Dale is shown with dark hair than normal.
Correction: The guys' recount of the events that transpired all seem to vary as it is their recollection and memory. Even if Dale's hair was darker, it was how Bill remembered it not a straight replay of what happened. Throughout the episode the biggest problem with finding out what happened is that they all seem to remember so many details differently.
Corrected entry: Dale says "I'm not a quitter. Hell, I've been smoking for thirty years." Dale and most of the adults on the show are in their late thirties. He can't have been smoking for that long, unless he started when he was seven or eight.
Correction: Like the submitter says, Dale could have started early. I have actually heard of people who started smoking when they were nine, and it is not impossible that Dale started when he was that age. It is also possible that he exaggerated, and had been smoking for, say, 28 years, which would make him approximately 12 when he started.
The Bluegrass is Always Greener - S6-E10
Corrected entry: Watch Dale's finger; his keyboard playing does not match the actual bass notes being played.
Correction: In the "propaniacs" episode it is shown that he has no idea how to play the keyboard and that he just fakes it and goes with the pre-recordings.
Corrected entry: The cosmetology teacher makes marks on Hank's head to show where Luanne cut his hair wrong. She is still holding the blue marker when she walks away. Hank gets up to comfort Luanne, and you can see that he has no marker in his hands. However, when he points out the bumps on his head, he suddenly has a marker and marks them. When the teacher is shown again, she is still holding the blue marker, so she didn't give it to Hank.
Correction: There couldn't be another marker lying nearby?
Corrected entry: Hank asks Peggy if she has her bridesmaid's dress from "one of Luanne's mama's weddings." In the episode "Leanne's Saga", Luanne's mother is just now getting out of jail for attacking Luanne's father, while they were married. She could not have left jail and had any other weddings.
Correction: We don't know if or how many times Leanne was married before she met Peggy's brother. It would be a safe bet to say she's gotten married more than once.
Why would Peggy be attending any of Leanne's weddings before Leanne met Peggy's brother? Leanne doesn't seem like the type of person Peggy would be friends with.
I don't have the ability to go back and re-watch the episode currently, so don't recall if Leanne is from Texas too or Montana like Peggy. If they went back as far as Montana, it might've been a case of being a small-enough town that she didn't have a lot of choices in friends. If after, they could've met young enough for Leanne to have had a couple weddings before setting her eye on Peggy's brother. Peggy's a bold, friendly person by nature; she probably has a number of friends whom you wouldn't expect. After all, she considers Minh one.
Leanne was married to Peggy's brother. Peggy probably feels enough family connection left that she lets herself get dragged to Leanne's weddings.
Corrected entry: In the episode where the family visits Peggy's family's ranch in Montana, Peggy's mother is mad because Peggy didn't stay on the ranch and marry the neighbors' son. However, in an earlier Valentine's Day episode, where Peggy learned that Hank had mono, we saw Peggy and Hank as a couple in high school, with Peggy going to West Arlen High. This means that she was not living in Montana as a young adult (or at an age when her mother thought she would be old enough to marry).
Correction: At what age can a mother start fantasizing about her child marrying the neighbor's kid?
True, but Peggy tells her mother that she did not have feelings for the neighbors' son. As if she were old enough to possibly date him.
Correction: Hank means that nothing is tying them to the house to take care of the lawn, he is not talking about leaving for an extended period of time. In other words, they can leave the house to do errands, go to church or ball games, shopping, etc, without having to come back to the house to move a lawn sprinkler. He's not talking about going on long trips with Peggy, which they presumably can't do until Ladybird dies (which shouldn't be too long, as she is already old at that point) or Bobby moves out, which is not likely going to be at 18 years old, because many kids are staying at home longer these days.