The Trouble With Tribbles - S2-E15
Capt. Kirk: I want to know what killed these tribbles.
Dr. McCoy: I haven't figured out what keeps them alive yet.
The Trouble With Tribbles - S2-E15
Dr. McCoy: It is a human characteristic to love little animals, especially if they're attractive in some way.
Spock: Doctor, I am well aware of human characteristics. I am frequently inundated by them, but I've trained myself to put up with practically anything.
Dr. McCoy: Spock, I do not know too much about these little Tribbles yet, but there is one thing that I have discovered.
Spock: What is that, Doctor?
Dr. McCoy: I like them... Better than I like you.
The Trouble With Tribbles - S2-E15
Trader: Four credits.
Cyrano Jones: Is that an offer or a joke?
Trader: That's my offer.
Cyrano Jones: That's a joke.
Chosen answer: If they're in orbit, they're being pulled along by the planet's gravity well, therefore, impulse engines would only be used for minor corrections and would be "on standby" while in orbit, but not active. (Like keeping your car idling without revving the engine and creating plumes of exhaust).
Captain Defenestrator
Thank you for the info.
Movie Nut